D7 class at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki. v· d· e Playable starships (All Factions) ▼/▲ Unlocking Cross-Faction Flying will grant the player the ability to use any starship, from any faction. Starfleet: (Complete & Detailed List) ▼/▲ Small Craft Shuttles Federation Shuttle...
Star Trek Online Wiki Official wiki 20,312 pages Explore in:Abilities,Bridge Officer abilities,Bridge Officer abilities (Space), and2 more Bridge Officer abilities (Engineering) Bridge Officer abilities (Min lvl-Ensign) Sign in to edit Categories ...
Star Trek Online entered the closed beta stage on 22 October 2009. On 9 November 2009, the February 2010 release date was announced, with open beta details being released the following week. The open beta stage was originally intended to last from 12 January 2010 through 24 January 2010. Thi...
Star Trek en català Wiki 196 pàgines en:Races de Star Trek català Sign in to edit EnZefram Cochrane, ľhumàque va inventar elmotor de corbatura. Elshumans,éssers humans,homes,terrícoles,terrestresoterrans(aquest últim en elmón paraŀlel) (Homo sapiens, "home que sap" en llatí...
Star Trek: Attack Wing Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Star Trek: Attack Wing Wiki Others Like You Viewed Kor Khyzag Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Duras' Bird-of-Prey IKS Hegh'ta personnel Top Pages this Week Romulan Starship - Romulan Science Vessel (Cost 12) ...
20% chance: Automatically refresh Ambush for 5 sec when expired by outgoing damage Traits Logical Peaceful Resolve Stubborn Tactful Notes This duty officer can be used to craft high-level items in theR&D: Ground EquipmentSchool. This duty officer is a random drop from the[Xindi Duty Officer (...
Remanisch Romulanisch Stroyerianisch Talaxianisch Trill Vulkanische Sprache Sprache derinsektoiden Xindi Lingua-Code Hintergrundinformation In verschiedenenRomanen(ua.Die VerschwörungundDer Himmel von Armageddon) ist immer wieder von einer Sprache namens „Standard“ bzw. „Föderationsstandard“ ...
Twilight (episode) article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.published order Previous episode:The Shipment Enterprise episode produced Next episode:North Star (episode) Previous episode:The Shipment Enterprise episode aired Next episode:North Star (episode) chronological order Previous...
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and ...
STO中星舰的伤害输出方式主要有能量武器(energy weapon)、投射武器(projectile weapon)和技能(abilities),本篇攻略介绍的是基于能量武器的配置方法。能量武器主要分为光束(Beam)和加农炮(Cannons),因此我们将分别介绍这两类武器的配置方法。 技能树 舰桥军官