“The Shipment” — Archer uses talk, not torpedos, to make progress against the Xindi. “The Xindi” / “Anomaly”— Archer uses “enhanced interrogation techniques” to get intel about the new threat to Earth. “The Expanse” — Earth gets shot up, and the show goes in a whole new ...
Star Trek Voyager: I got through this while playing WOTC and during other tasks. I always liked the characters but this time I got some different stuff out of it. It is a good show. Star Trek Enterprise: I started this after Voyager. I maintain that I love this show more than the av...
“The Shipment”— Archer uses talk, not torpedos, to make progress against the Xindi. “The Xindi” / “Anomaly”— Archer uses “enhanced interrogation techniques” to get intel about the new threat to Earth. “The Expanse”— Earth gets shot up, and the show goes in a whole new dire...
6) XindiThere is also one "Q" player required, who functions as a DM, and Runs behind the scenes (Random events, Setup, Movement behind Fog of War...)I hope all enjoy, and it opens up new possibilities to what people can do with Star Trek Attack Wing!The Following folder contains:...
for “nostril.” Alpha Ceti is often used in works of science fiction, most notably inStar Trek: The Original Series. Alpha Ceti V was the planet on which Khan and his crew were exiled. InStar Trek: Enterprise, the same planet provided refuge to Humanity after the Xindi destroyed the ...
In-depth critical reviews of Star Trek and some other sci-fi series. Includes all episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Str
the original series; the various evil geniuses like Khan Noonien Singh, Lore, Tolian Soran, Nero, and Shinzon; or the different alien empires threatening the integrity of Federation space such as the Cardassians, the Dominion, or Xindi—nothing comes close to the threat represented by the ...
There’s something tragic about The antagonist ofStar Trek Beyond. I actually kinda feel for the guy who feels like he is just a guy who never could adapt to the times. It is a shame that a veteran of Earth’s Xindi and Romulan Wars would feel betrayed when Starfleet would eventually ...
Archer confronts the Xindi Council. The Sphere-Builders convene and discuss the timelines. The female Sphere-Builder is confident about their victory as the Xindi weapon will soon be deployed. However, another states that the number of timelines ending i
Reptilian Xindi, plus Zooey Deschanel as T’Pol. Bajorans! At left: Kai Winn and a random Vedek. At right: Vedek Bareil. A Bajoran and a Jem’Hadar. An Abramsverse Trill from the Mirror Universe. Plus a Hirogen Borg. THREE people dressed as the Crystalline Entity. ...