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I think what I'm most wowed by is the stability and performance of the patch. When you compare how Star Citizen plays now to how it played a year ago, the difference is night and day. I'm always getting 60 frames unless I'm in Loreville or Area 18, hardly any crashes, very few...
You can also use UEC to buy upgrades, weapons, etc. Seems like the in-game currency will be the way to move forward with purchases for most gamers especially those that don't mind grinding more or earning their way in-game and keeping their wallet fuller. I support this option but I ...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
星际公民游戏官网Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 容我不知羞的介绍下自己的舰队 我们的舰队名为蜗牛远航贸易公司,是主打宇宙运输的一家舰队,我们主要通过QQ群交流,群号1057135024。 这个游戏入坑请填入邀请码,STAR-2M63-SBNW 或者请直接点击下方注册直链 填写邀请码可以获得5000UEC的奖励,在...
Last but not least, you’ll have a variety of apps to choose from. As you might have guessed, apps are software that are either part of the basic mobiGlas package or bought (withUEC) and downloaded from the mobiSTORE. We aim at providing many apps to choose from, that present similar...
10,000 UEC –In honor of the goal, we’re giving 10,000 UEC to every backer that you can use for upgrades and flair in the Voyager Direct Store. I’d advise you hold on to the creds: we’re going to have some cool configurable weapons and other upgrades for Arena Commander in the...
Additionally, at $58,000,000, all players that have backed the game received 10,000 UEC (in-game money) for free to spend on upgrades and the like. When you consider the fact that over 750,000 people have backed this game, that’s quite a lot of free money to dish out. Don’t ...
Star Citizen By RyanBurnsRed March 22, 2014inGaming Share More sharing options... Followers1 Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next Page 4 of 17 RyanBurnsRed Zaibatsu Joined: 06/16/2010 Since 1776 Author PostedFebruary 15, 2016 Nah you can't buy ships in the single player campaign. You'...