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New to Star Citizen? Sign up here and earn 5,000 UEC Ship Information What are the classes of ships and how much do they cost? There are so many ships now that it's difficult to keep track. Some of the ships' prices have raised. We want to not only keep track of this, but...
Star Citizen is a massive space opera online game where players have to be equally involved when it comes to combat or trading. You'll be on top of your ship's overall management including resources, money, hangar, and yes, even Star Citizen trades with other players. It's not just abou...
Star Citizen will launch with 60 star systems. Star Citizen will feature an additional playable ship class, the cruiser. All Kickstarter goals unlocked All backers before October 29, 2012 will start Star Citizen with a Class I Repair Bot in their garage. All backers before November 8, 2012...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Getting a ship is a bonus at this stage Once the game goes live you will no longer be able to buy ships for $ in the way you can so easily today. There will be a monthly capped spend on UEC (in game currency) designed to both help CIG make some money & also to give players a...
Depends on the ship, but yes many ships are already in-game and flyable. Many still have bugs/glitches to sort out tho...and many more are still being fine tuned/adjusted/balanced. You can use in-game currency to rent a ship for so many uses (iirc), using UEC, which is gained fro...
This is really exciting to us, as we get to design an interface that is an integral part of the Star Citizen universe and not just an overlay that takes you out of the experience every time you use it. The augmented reality takes advantage of the high-definition environments, as interface...
Also you should know that the current “dollar” price of a ship does not reflect its actual in-game value inUEC, so comparing the value of a gun against theUECequivalent of an Aurora is not an accurate comparison. We intended backers to get a benefit for backing early rather than waitin...