Even if you had enough internet bandwidth to handle the data going back and forth and a super computer for the server there’s no PC, even with quad SLI that could render that many spaceships with Star Citizen’s fidelity. So the “magic” of Star Citizen’s multiplayer design is how we...
If you are looking to join Star Citizen now is the time! New recruits can sign up to Star Citizen by using this Referral Code STAR-D36G-LHQV and earn 5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) which can be spent on the website for weapons, ship components or decorations for your Hangar. ...
You have allowed us to take this journey, you have tracked and followed so much of how game development works… and now we think it is right to further part the curtain and share with you our production process. So for Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 we’re going to share our internal schedule ...
For a while,Star Citizenhas been receiving new features and ways that expand what to do in the world, along with someupgrades to stability and persistencein order to accommodate more players per server. This new update continues that development plan, A serie...
Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Enhanced Alpha –We will use additional funding to build a wider alpha test than we had originally intended for the first phase of Star Citizen’s launch. The initial plan was to first launch servers in North America and then expand to areas such as Europe and Australia to decrease latency ...
What is Star Citizen Market? The Star Citizen market refers to the in-game economy and trading system that allows players to buy and sell items and services. Players can use in-game currency (UEC) to purchase items from vendors or other players, or they can trade items and services directl...
I think what I'm most wowed by is the stability and performance of the patch. When you compare how Star Citizen plays now to how it played a year ago, the difference is night and day. I'm always getting 60 frames unless I'm in Loreville or Area 18, hardly any crashes, very few...
but that is current game and 3.9 is the new dynamic economy vs the 100% scripted one CR was married to until what 6 months ago? that will change the hauling and etc meta a ton and how will that effect the UEC flow? also think missions are getting some hard mode content the idris ...
Yes, it's delicious. Also comparing Star Citizen to a rather sub par shooter with robots is kinda sad. I know a bunch of people who played Titanfall for about 2 weeks and then all stopped because there was no reason to keep playing. 2014...