Stable Diffusion is the most flexible AI image generator. It's open source (or close), and you can even train your own models based on your own dataset to get it to generate exactly the kind of images you want. Use AI-generated art in your daily work Learn how This means that ...
generated_images = generator(noise) 步骤5:后处理和可视化 生成图像可能需要一些后处理,以提高其质量或适应特定的应用。这包括调整图像的亮度、对比度、大小等。然后,您可以使用图像处理库(如PIL或OpenCV)来保存或显示生成的图像。 from PIL import Image 后处理和可视化 generated_images = post_process(generated_i...
因此比较新的工作 (Stable Diffusion Model[3]) 在这两个方面进行了改进,使得扩散过程在低维的隐态空...
高收入职位如“软件开发员”,生成的图像中白人和男性的比例要高于劳工统计局的数据;“有生产力的人”,生成的图像普遍是男性,以白人为多数,穿着适合企业职位的西装。 不仅Stable Diffusion的生成的图片暴露了这样的问题,OpenAI最近发布的文件中也同样提到,DALL-E 3也呈现出了“倾向于西方观点”。 但是,如果了解图像...
简介:阿里云计算巢提供了Stable Diffusion快速部署及下载自定义模型功能,使用者不需要自己下载代码,不需要自己安装复杂的依赖,不需要了解Git、Python、Docker等技术,只需要在控制台图形界面点击几下鼠标就可以快速启动Stable Diffusion服务进行绘画,非技术同学也能轻松搞定。
三、Stable Diffusion 部署体验 截止到目前市面上比较主流的基于文字生成影像的模型都是基于了3大部分组成的。 Encoder Model , Generation Model ,Decoder Model。并且这三个部分是分开训练,然后组合在一起从而构成了文生图大模型。 图片来源于B站李宏毅教授讲问生图原理,侵删。 下面我们可以看一下Stable Diffusion, ..."result_images.png") 如果你的GPU内存有限(可用的GPU RAM小于4GB),请确保以float16精度加载StableDiffusionPipeline,而不是如上所述的默认float32精度。这可以通过告诉扩散器期望权重为float16精度来实现: %%time import torch pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) art is currently all the rage, but most AI image generators run in the cloud. Stable Diffusion is different --- you can run it on your very own PC and generate as many images as you want. Here's how you can install and use Stable Diffusion on Windows....
The following are some examples of input texts and the corresponding output images generated by Stable Diffusion. The following images are in response to the inputs “a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars,”“a painting of new york city in impressionist s...
Stable Diffusion is an innovative technology that is revolutionizing the way artists create. Using effective, descriptive text prompts, you can create high-quality images and edit them to suit your needs. The use of Stable Diffusion, along with other generative AI, such asMidjourney,Photosonic, ...