SAP ST03N工作负载的后台作业定义 ST03N可以把SAP的运行情况的统计数据展现出来,根据这些数据可以进行性能的分析。 1、登录到000集团,定义作业SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR,周期每个小时执行。作业内容为RSCOLL00。 2、执行报表TZCUSTHELP,根据提示输入日期、时间,执行看结果。如果提示'System time zone or UTC time...
SAP标准作业在新系统安装之后 以下是SAP标准作业清单 The SAP standard job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR must be scheduled hourly in each SAP system. The job must always be scheduled in client 000 with user DDIC or with a user with the same authorization for detail information pls refer to 16083...
as we all aware System log will get overwrittem , When this log file reaches the maximum permissible length, and it happened in my case. i.,e the logs are overwritten The System Log Rgds PR...
The current ABAP program "SAPWL_ST03N" had to be terminated because one of the statements could not be executed. This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program. A value does not fit in a calculation field. What can you do? Print out the error message (using the "Print" funct...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hey community, In ST03N is possible do understand how many time the system use for a transactions? For instance, I use VA01 (sales order) and I want to find how many time and steps I use in the transactions. Can you explain to me if this is pos...
SAP Managed Tags: NW AS Java Administrator (NWA) Hi guys, Can someone give me a detailed explanation of how to use st03n to trace transactions executed by a user, or the users executing a transaction...I need the list of users who have executed a transaction code (say sm02) over ...
st03n : no display Day, Week, Month in Workload tree Former Member on 2008 Mar 17 0 Kudos 592 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP hi all Environment : ECC 6.0 sp13, Oracle10g I can`t see workload data currently and weekly, only see old Data 01/2008 in Month. No display Day...
this fm SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC for ST03N doesn't select all custom programs . At present we are using one customer developed report , In that we are using the Fm SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC . Now we are getting few custom programs only instead of all custom programs.Is there ...
In 4.6x, you can also try the new Workload Analysis tcode 'ST03N'. The SAP standard retention period is 3 months. You can change the Standard Statistics via clicking :- Goto -> Parameters -> Perfomance Database To analyze the Statistics by users for transactions and programs use transacti...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Application Server Hi gurus, Is there a way to exclude a specific transaction from ST03N statistics so it won't appear in all sections of that transaction ? (not filtering ! I need the collecting engine to ignore a specific transaction so it won't effect...