如果提示'System time zone or UTC timer is not correct',则需要更改SAP系统的时区。SPRO更改即可。 Note: Note 945114 - Workload Collector: Change of system time zone Note 926290 - SWNCCOLL: SAP workload NW collector collects no data Note 966309 - Contents of table TCOLL in SAP_BASIS 700...
[SAP BASIS]SAP Standard jobs, reorganization jobs |ST03n 无数据SAP标准作业在新系统安装之后以下是SAP标准作业清单 The SAP standard job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR must be scheduled hourly in each SAP system. The job must always be scheduled in client 000 with user DDIC or with a user with...
2794194 - ST03 no data with error "System Failure: Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)" in report SWNC_TCOLL_LOG 12103 - Contents of the TCOLL table ST03n 无数据问题的解决 在系统复制后检查原系统与目标系统的时区是否一致,如果不一致,在STZAC中更改时区使<sapsid>adm 的时区与SAP...
In 4.6x, you can also try the new Workload Analysis tcode 'ST03N'. The SAP standard retention period is 3 months. You can change the Standard Statistics via clicking :- Goto -> Parameters -> Perfomance Database To analyze the Statistics by users for transactions and programs use transacti...
We recently upgraded to ERP 2005 SAP_BASIS 700. The workload reports that security was using no longer work. I created a report using SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES. The data matches what is retrived using tcode ST03N. The problem is that there are missing tcodes and reports from both....
SAP Managed Tags: NW AS Java Administrator (NWA) hi, i am getting abap dump when i am running st03n tcode and click on expert mode. i am here pasting the abap dump. Runtime Error MESSAGE_TYPE_X Occurred on 18.10.2011 at 09:16:15 ...
In general you can check settings according to SAP Note 966309 - Content of table TCOLL in SAP_BASIS 700 - 7.02 and 7.31+. alwina_enns Product and Topic Expert 2014 Aug 22 0 Kudos yes, this is the reason, why SWNCTOTAL is not started, the number should be 1 alwina_enns ...