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Former Member In response to raymond_giuseppi 2016 Apr 18 3:29 PM 0 Kudos 340 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Raymond, Thank you for the help, I will try solve. I read this discussion and it was post in Abap dev. what is the use of the tcode ST03N? | SCN BR, Br...
Table USERTCODEThis table has four key fields: TASKTYPE, ACCOUNT, MANDT, and ENTRY_ID. TASKTYPE is a byte which can be decoded using CL_SWNC_COLLECTOR_INFO=>TRANSLATE_TASKTYPE, and ENTRY_ID contains the transaction code or a report name. The code snippet shows how this can be decoded...
Is there a way to exclude a specific transaction from ST03N statistics so it won't appear in all sections of that transaction ? (not filtering ! I need the collecting engine to ignore a specific transaction so it won't effect the history, workload, time profile ... sections) configurat...