Figure 1. ST-LINK/V2 SWIM header pinout Figure 2. Connecting with STM8 application board Connection with STM32 applications For STM32 developments the ST-LINK/V2 must be connected to the application using the standard 20-pin female-female JTAG flat ribbon provided. Figure 3. Debugging connector...
打开STM32CubeMX:在项目中打开STM32CubeMX工具。 选择定时器:在“Pinout”视图中选择需要配置的定时器。 配置模式:在“Configuration”视图中选择定时器的模式,如“Timer Output Compare”、“PWM”等。 生成代码:点击“Generate Code”按钮,生成初始化代码和定时器配置代码。 4.3 定时器操作示例 以下是一个简单的定...
5.3 High‑performance modules The STLINK-V3MINIE tiny probe supports a high‑performance configuration for STM32 microcontrollers. The working voltage range goes from 1.65 to 3.6 V. The protocols and functions supported are: • SWD with SWO (Up to 24 MHz) •...
在“Debug Configurations” 对话框中,选择 “STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ (GDB)”。 配置调试器(如 ST-Link)和调试参数。 Keil uVision: 选择“Project” -> “Options for Target ‘Target 1’”。 在“Debug” 标签下,选择调试器(如 ST-Link)。 配置调试接口(如 SWD)和调试参数。 3.4.2 调试技巧 断点:...
Figure 2. Probe top side The protocols and functions supported are: • SWD (up to 24 MHz) with SWO (up to 16 MHz) • JTAG (up to 21 MHz) • VCP (from 732 bps to 16 Mbps) A 2x7-pin 1.27 mm pitch male connector is located in the STLINK-V3SET for connection to t...
USB hubs and STLink before - but that did nothing. I now explicitly set the lowest SWD frequency in CubeIDE / Debug Config, i.e. 140kHz, where it was on Auto before. I now get a debugger connection *. But... this is not restricted to a new board with the...
#STM32F103R STM32CUBEMX生成的程序如果不设置PA13(SWDIO),PA14(SWCLK)引脚,在keil中用ST-LINK下载程序到MCU后,第二次下载会造成板子flash自锁,个人理解是因为没有设置boot启动方式。 解决方式: 1、在STM32CUBEMX中设置PA13和PA14引脚 搜索PA13和PA14后打开Sys配置serial wire 2、或者用串口下载程序。... ...
ST-LINK in-circuitdebugger/programmerforSTM8andSTM32 Introduction TheST-LINKisanin-circuitdebuggerandprogrammerfortheSTM8andSTM32 microcontrollerfamilies. TheSWIMandJTAG/SWDinterfaceisusedtocommunicatewiththeSTM8orSTM32 microcontrollerlocatedonyourownapplicationboard. ...
但是我对比了datasheet 的pinout 和我的电路图发现没问题。然后测试了,所有的vdd 和vss 也是正确的电压。请问大家有什么建议吗? 我把电路图分解了,这样应该看得清了吧。用的就是swd的末世,用了五根线,tms ,tck , reset,然后加上3v3和gnd stlink链接后的图片我也放在下面了。 0 2019-1-14 06:43:52 ...
Introduction The ST -LINK is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families.The SWIM and JTAG/SWD interface is used to communicate with the STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on your own application board.On the PC side, the USB full speed interface ...