这样,工程算是创建成功了,进入mcu硬件资源配置的界面,分别由四大部分组成: 1.Pinout & Configuration:主要是IO功能设置,串口,硬件SPI,IIC等外设资源的配置。 2.Clock Configuration:时钟配置。 3.Project Manager:主要是设置生成代码的ide,代码管理等,在第5小节详细介绍。 4.Tools:可以查看mcu的相关参数,引脚图等。
在“Pinout & Configuration”选项卡中,找到并启用UART外设(例如UART4)。 配置UART的参数,如波特率(例如115200)、数据位(通常为8位)、停止位(通常为1位)等。 将UART的TX和RX引脚配置为正确的GPIO引脚(例如PD0和PD1)。 生成代码并导入到你的IDE中(如Keil、STM32CubeIDE等)。 3. 编写串口通信的代码 在生成的...
connected 17NC not connected not connected 18GND GROUND GND 19VDD VDD ()not connected 20 GND GROUND GND 10/13 Figure 9。 JTAG debugging flat ribbon layout Figure connector layout on ST-LINK and flat cable The pinout of the target male connector is given in Table 3。
Figure 1. ST-LINK/V2 SWIM header pinout Figure 2. Connecting with STM8 application board Connection with STM32 applications For STM32 developments the ST-LINK/V2 must be connected to the application using the standard 20-pin female-female JTAG flat ribbon provided. Figure 3. Debugging connector...
方法/步骤 1 用STM32CubeMX生成代码,点击“Debug”,运行后弹出如下对话框,那么即表示生成代码的配置没有打开仿真功能。2 回到之前建立的STM32CubeMX工程,切换到Pinout页 3 展开“Sys”,可以看到Debug项默认是“No debug”,点击右侧的箭头,改为“Trace Asynchronous Sw”。4 点击菜单栏的“Project”->“...
(continued) Pin number Pin name Function 4 ID 5 GND - GND 8.1.2 STDC14 (STM32 JTAG/SWD and VCP) The STDC14 connector (CN4) allows the connection to an STM32 target using the JTAG or SWD protocol, respecting (from pin 3 to pin 12) the ARM10 pinout (Arm® Cortex® debu...
Update: I set the CubeIDE DebugConfiguration to use "1000" (kHz), that seems to work now. 0 Kudos Reply Ricarry Associate 2025-02-20 4:24 PM I solved that error by activating serial wire in pinout and configurations > sys > debug: serial wire 0 Kudos...
The pinout of the target male connector is given in Table 3. 2.3 ST-LINK status The red LED labelled COM on top of the ST-LINK shows the ST-LINK status (whatever the connection type). ● When the LED is ON; communication between the PC and ST-LINK has been initialized ...
(continued) Pin number Pin name Function 4 ID 5 GND - GND 8.1.2 STDC14 (STM32 JTAG/SWD and VCP) The STDC14 connector (CN4) allows the connection to an STM32 target using the JTAG or SWD protocol, respecting (from pin 3 to pin 12) the ARM10 pinout (Arm® Cortex® ...
EN/VND WelcomeSign in / Register 0 Cart ₫1,076,754 Tax excluded, add at checkout if applicable. Color:ST LINK V2 (EN) Reviews Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region. Related items Specifications ...