Regine GerikeStefan HubrichFrank LiesskeRico Wittwer
Hello, as a nonprofit organization we got 10 MS 365 licences. But for a normal work we'd need also one license for WIN 2022 STD standard server license with approx. 50 user CAL. Is there a possibility to consider if there's a way you could provide us 1c
rtxsrv_361_std 腾讯通实时协作版 注册机 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 量子密钥分配网络(QKDN)安全管理要求与措施 2025-03-18 19:43:54 积分:1 50-50.渗透测试-Kali Linux漏洞利用 2025-03-18 01:06:41 积分:1
It is interesting and aslo necessary to disscuss about the two types in ROS,std_msgs/Emptyandstd_srv_msgs/Empty. The two message type are indicating there are nothing to transmit but a trigger signal. In a Publisher / Subscriber use case, std_msgs/Empty could be useful when we only want...
rtxsrv_361_std 腾讯通实时协作版 注册机2012-02-09 上传大小:193KB 所需:1积分/C币 海康固件 海康78SH系列主机支持萤石云V3.4.101_Build181129版本。 F(B)系列NVR支持萤石云程序包 软件描述 程序包适用于以下型号: DS-7804/08N-F1/P(B)、DS-7804/08N...
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The following exception was never retrieved: failed to deserialize ROS message: Fast CDR exception deserializing message of type std_srvs::srv::dds_::Empty_Response_., at /home/user/ros2_humble/src/ros2/rmw_fastrtps/rmw_fastrtps_cpp/src/type_support_common.cpp:118 ...
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