git merge --no-ff --no-ff指的是强行关闭fast-forward方式。可以保存之前的分支历史。能够更好的查看 merge历史,以及branch 状态 git merge --squash git merge --squash是用来把一些不必要commit进行压缩,比如说,你的feature在开发的时候写的commit很乱,那么我们合并的时候不希望把这些历史commit带过来,于是使用... 一、Fast Forward,No Fast Forward 和 Squash的对比 forward 假设从master分支有三个节点C1,C2,C3 从C3切出develop分支,并在develop分支上开发了C4,C5 现在切回master分支,将develop分支合并到master。默认使用fast forward,master分支会直... 一、Fast Forward,No Fast Forward 和 Squash的对比 forward 假设从master分支有三个节点C1,C2,C3 从C3切出develop分支,并在develop分支上开发了C4,C5 现在切回master分支,将develop分支合并到master。默认使用fast forward,master分支会直...
赵宣 对完美的不断追求 git merge 的几种操作 —no-ff 不使用fast-forward方式合并 保留分支的commit历史 —squash 把多次commit记录压缩成一次 发布于 2020-03-29 13:37 写下你的评论... 暂无评论 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 ...
Squash merging is a merge option that allows you to condense the Git history of topic branches when you complete a pull request. Instead of adding each commit on the topic branch to the history of the default branch, a squash merge adds all the file changes to a single new commit on the...
Merge with Squash An option available whenever your branch has multiple commits is to squash. Squashing combines the history of FeatureA branch into a single commit when merging with Main. Fast forward isn’t possible if there have been other changes on Main. If you made changes to the Feat...
Summary When the merge method is set to 'Fast-forward merge' on a repository, and an MR is merged with the 'Squash...
Summary If a project is set to use Fast-Forward merge method; and the squash commit option is used the resulting commit...
Which worked fine, but I think I've messed up when pulling the changed history into a 2nd local repo to test the changes. I would have had to rebase on the 2nd repo to make sure the old history is gone. But I think I've repushed (fast-forward merge or what ever), so now I ...
合并和重基是根本不同的操作。merge-I指的是创建一个新的合并提交的常规git merge-确实会在提交图中...