我更喜欢 merge 并且创建 merge commits,因为我认为它最能代表提交的真实历史。您可以看到 merge 点,您可以看到开发人员经历的所有 WIP 提交。您可以轻松恢复整个合并 (git revert -mN)。每 10 个 PR 中我创建的 merge commits 超过 9 个。 我还相信,只要每次提交都能编译构建,那么拥有更多的提交会让git bisec...
Merge commits Rebase Squash 不同的开发者有不同的选择,前两天 HashiCorp 的创始人 Hashimoto 发了一贴Merge vs. Rebase vs. Squash,也表达了他的观点。 Hashimoto 的观点 我经常被问到我对 merge commits、rebase 和 squash 的看法。我已经多次回复,因此我决定记录一下,以便每当被再次问到时我都可以引用它。
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of…
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the branch is presented after merging the changes. Here’s a breakdown of the differen...
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the branch is presented after merging the changes. Here’s a breakdown of the differen...
说到合并采用的策略,我通常会先 rebase,squash 用的也不算少。精神上我支持 Hashimoto 的观点,但实践中,尤其是团队开发,要保持 merge commits 的洁癖对团队要求比较高。所以更实际的做法,是提倡创建小 PR,快分快合。另外 Bytebase 也把分支功能 (Branching) 引入到了数据库变更中了,欢迎大家去...
GitHub PR & git squash & git merge All In One GitHub 上 merge PR 时合并多个 commits 提交 ✅ Github PR 时合并多次提交的 commits All In One https://www.cnblogs.c
GitHub:Squashand merge VS Rebase and merge “Squashand merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the b ...
github上上传了版本库https://github.com/ChuckGitMerge 包括merge和rebase 没时间画图,貌似也不太会用画图工具,先写了一个文字版本的 更新:2015年08月11日,使用了git for windows自带的git gui作为图片说明 动画效果 https
13 Git - Merge vs rebase 671 What's the difference between 'git merge' and 'git rebase'? 3 Is rebase and merge the same thing? Why are there 2 different procedures to do one thing? 29 What's the difference between git rebase and merge --no-ff 9 What's the difference between...