以功能开发为例, 当我们开发一个功能分支时, 可能会产生很多意义不大的提交记录(例如可能 commit 后才发现有 typo, 于是又多了个修复 typo 的 commit)。 一般情况下, 是否使用Squash Merge是一个团队偏好问题: 如果你觉得意义不大的提交记录污染了主分支的代码历史, 那么你将代码合并到主分支前就应当合并你的代...
git commit-m"feature-123: A test change for merging with squash"# commit一次,然后push git push origin feature-123-merge:feature-123-merge # 这时候在服务器上的feature-123-merge就只有最新的这一次commit,可以pull request再merge到master了 方法二、用 git rebase # 在当前branch中,假设已经有14个comm...
1.一般的做法(直接git merge) Git相对于CVS和SVN的一大好处就是merge非常方便,只要指出branch的名字就好了,如: $ git merge another $ git checkout another # modify, commit, modify, commit ... $ git checkout master $ git merge another 2.改进版本:合并多个提交为一条(git merge --squash branchname...
首先git checkout develop。 git merge test test分支会合并到develop,会有test分支提交信息,同时最后一条提交会是Merge branch 'test' into develop。 git merge test --no-commit test分支会合并到develop,会有test分支提交信息,最后一条提交与test分支一致。 git merge test --squash test分支会合并到develop,没...
将一个分支合并到其他两个分支(由 Azure DevOps 报告,而非由消除合并库 2 的git merge-base报告) 复制 ---1---o---o---o---A \ / \---2 \ \ \---o---o---o---B 处理主分支还原的后果,例如修改合并提交 复制 * 42bb2d2 (HEAD, A) Amended merge commit |\ |...
• Linear history: The history is linear (no merge commits) but still contains each individual commit. • No merge commit: Unlike a traditional merge, this doesn’t create a “merge commit.” The branch’s commits are simply added to the history of the target branch in sequence....
• No merge commit: Unlike a traditional merge, this doesn’t create a “merge commit.” The branch’s commits are simply added to the history of the target branch in sequence. When to use it: • Preserving individual commits: If the individual commits have meaningful context and should...
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README.md error: could not apply 2bc01cd… added EOF lines hint: After resolving the conflicts, mark them with hint: "git add/rm ", then run hint: "git cherry-pick --continue". hint: You can instead skip this commit with "git cherry-pick --sk...
将一个分支合并到其他两个分支(由 Azure DevOps 报告,而非由消除合并库 2 的git merge-base报告) 复制 ---1---o---o---o---A \ / \---2 \ \ \---o---o---o---B 处理主分支还原的后果,例如修改合并提交 复制 * 42bb2d2 (HEAD, A) Amended merge commit |\ |...
Squash and merge workflow Each time a branch merges into your base branch, up to two commits are added: The single commit created by squashing the commits from the branch. A merge commit, unless you have enabledfast-forward mergesin your project. Fast-forward merges disable merge commits. ...