“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of…
GitHub PR Descriptions in Squash and Merge This is a Chrome extension that will automatically populate a squash-and-merge commit message with the PR's description. Installation Visit chrome://extensions/. Enable Developer Mode. Click "Load unpacked". Select this folder. Refresh any tabs with GitH...
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sheerun/git-squash/master/git-squash > /usr/local/bin/git-squash && chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/git-squash Usage #This tool requires that target branch is mergable to current one#The easiest way to ensure it is to merge it and resolve any conflicts...
我们在日常开发中经常使用 Git 管理代码, 每个人在各自的分支开发代码, 开发完毕后在 Gitlab/Github 上提交 MR/PR, 最后点击 merge 按钮即将代码合并至主分支… 在稍微学习 Git 相关的知识后, 我们会发现 Git 代码合并的方法绝不仅此一种, 不同的代码合并方式之间有什么差异?各自又适用于什么样的场景?我将在...
github squash and merge vs rebase and merge 关于拉取请求合并 压缩与合并拉取请求提交 变基与合并拉取请求提交 您可以通过将所有提交保留在功能分支中、将所有提交压缩到一个提交中,或者将个别提交从“头部分支”变基为“基本”分支,以合并拉取请求。
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the branch is presented after merging the changes. Here’s a breakdown of the differen...
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the branch is presented after merging the changes. Here’s a breakdown of the differen...
Du kannst das Commitsquashing für alle Pull Request-Merges auf Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance in deinem Repository erzwingen, zulassen oder deaktivieren.Sie können Mergeoptionen für Pull Requests konfigurieren, um Ihre Workf...
5. git checkout -b MyWorkBranch_remote 6. git push origin MyWorkBranch_remote 7. git merge MyWorkBranch_local --squash 8. solve the confilicts 9. commit and push 10. create PR in github and merge to master/develope/release 还可以参考这篇文章,写的也很详细。
Branches and merges/ Configure PR merges/ You can enforce, allow, or disable commit squashing for all pull request merges on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance in your repository. You can configure pull request merge options to ...