“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of…
stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2427238/what-is-the-difference-between-merge-squash-and-rebase "squash" git alias https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14534397/squash-all-my-commits-into-one-for-github-pull-request https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5189560/how-do-i-squash-my-la...
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the branch is presented after merging the changes. Here’s a breakdown of the differen...
When merging PR 500 error is returned and log contains entries: apr 04 12:52:03 git1 gitea[3331652]: 2024/04/04 12:52:03 ...pull/merge_squash.go:79:doMergeStyleSquash() [E] git commit <PullRequest [45982]lx/demo#224[develop...renovate/node-20.x]>: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: a...
Squash Labs— creates a VM for each branch and makes your app available from a unique URL, Unlimited public & private repos, Up to 2 GB VM Sizes. styleci.io— Public GitHub repositories only Mergify— workflow automation and merge queue for GitHub — Free for public GitHub repositories Make...
push.default=matching huanianli@ThinkCentre:~$ 2.3在huanianli的HOME目录下创建一个工作空间workspace huanianli@ThinkCentre:~$ cd ~huanianli@ThinkCentre:~$mkdirworkspacehuanianli@ThinkCentre:~$lsworkspace huanianli@ThinkCentre:~$ 3. (Maintainer)HuanianLi在GitHub上创建一个项目kaiba ...
You can always push local commits to the branch if the commits are signed and verified. You can also merge signed and verified commits into the branch using a pull request. However, you cannot squash and merge a pull request into the branch on GitHub unless you are the author of the pull...
When you select theSquash and mergeoption on a pull request, the pull request's commits are squashed into a single commit. Instead of seeing all of a contributor's individual commits from a topic branch, the commits are combined into one commit and merged into the defa...
The branch must be up to date with the base branch before merging. This is the default behavior for required status checks. More builds may be required, as you'll need to bring the head branch up to date after other collaborators merge pull requests to the protected base branch. Loose ...
最新的 Git 中增加pull.rebase配置,让你来决定默认 pull 时是使用 rebase 还是 merge,当你不进行手动设置的时候会使用 merge 进行合并,但是会每次都提示进行配置,这里建议你设置成 false 代码语言:javascript 复制 git config--global pull.rebasefalse