SQL Server:User, group, or role 'iemis' already exists in the current database. --最新的解决方法 --先创建用户帐户,不进行授权,然后通过下面的SQL语句将该用户帐户关联至对应的数据库用户。优点是避免了重新授权的操作。 USE tempdb EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'iemis', 'iemis'...
在SQL Server数据库迁移时,在另外一台服务器上恢复数据库备份文件之后,需要重新创建之前数据库上的用户帐户。在创建登录用户时,需要在User Mapping中给该用户针对具体的数据库进行授权,由于恢复出来的数据库中存在同名的用户帐户,创建时会出现"User, group, or role already exists in the current database"的错误提示。
You backed up the user database on one of the SQL Server in production and restored it on to a SQL Server in test environment. When you try granting access to a particular login you were getting the following error: Error 15023: User or role '%s' already exists in the current database...
Data Provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status Data row does not have a matching index row in the index Database '<database>' already exists. Choose a different database name. But it doesn't! Database 'msdb' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files Database 'XXX' cannot be...
IF (object_id('table', 'U') is not null) AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE id = 0)) RETURN; to check if this 'table' already exists in my database but I get the next error message while running the script if there is no such table in the current database:...
testConnectionOnCheckin ->false, testConnectionOnCheckout ->false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout ->0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies ->false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName ->null, extensions -> {}, factoryClassLocation ->null, identityToken -> 1hge17oa21s08ng61w9xxa8|71f...
If the sa account has already been mapped to a database as the dbo user (the default database owner) the an attempt to change that to sa will result in this code behind the scenes: USE [database] GO AL...
I delete user from database and try to create user having same error Muhammad Mehdi Have you deleted login( but you have deleted User from database) and try to create then? http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2007/02/15/sql-serve...
DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master], CHECK_EXPIRATION=ON, CHECK_POLICY=ON; USE real; GO ALTER USER [appp] WITH LOGIN = [appp]; Lowell help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement intothattable to giv...
If you restore a database and then try to login to it, you’re likely to run into this wonderful SQL Error: *User, group, or role ‘whatever’ already exists in the current database (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15023).*