在SQL Server数据库迁移时,在另外一台服务器上恢复数据库备份文件之后,需要重新创建之前数据库上的用户帐户。在创建登录用户时,需要在User Mapping中给该用户针对具体的数据库进行授权,由于恢复出来的数据库中存在同名的用户帐户,创建时会出现"User, group, or role already exists in the current database"的错误提示。
Run following T-SQL Query in Query Analyzer to associate login with the username. ‘Update_One’ links the specified user in the current database to login. login must already exist. user and login must be specified. password must be NULL or not specified USE YourDB GOEXECsp_change_users_l...
You backed up the user database on one of the SQL Server in production and restored it on to a SQL Server in test environment. When you try granting access to a particular login you were getting the following error: Error 15023: User or role '%s' already exists in the current database...
"Create failed for user '<servername>\<username>'. User, group, or role '<servername>\<username>' already exists in the current database. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15023)" I have googled this error and tried the following command on each database: ALTER USER [<username>...
As stated above - the sa login already has db_owner privileges on all databases. If you try to create a user sa in a database this is the T-SQL that is executed in the background: USE [database] GO CREATE ...
Write-Host"jobuser already exists in database: $currentDb"} } Manually added via Azure portal to target group SQL Database with the SQL server name and the following db. When I run the job from Azure Portal.I notice that I can't log in. When I try it through SSM...
Changedin version4.0:The default value is"server". In earlier versions, the default value is"client". Roles In therolesfield, you can specify bothbuilt-in rolesanduser-defined roles. To specify a role that exists in the same database wheredb.createUser()runs, you can either specify the ...
Adds a user to the current database. The 13 types of users are listed below with a sample of the most basic syntax: Note While Microsoft Entra ID is the new name for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), to prevent disrupting existing environments, Azure AD still remains in some hardcoded ...
This means that if you have a resource, say a database, that is supporting two applications, you can configure things so that the database will automatically be made available when either one of the two applications should be available, and to be unavailable otherwise. If, for example, ...
CREATE USER cannot be used to create aguestuser because theguestuser already exists inside every database. You can enable theguestuser by granting it CONNECT permission, as shown: Copy GRANT CONNECT TO guest; GO Information about database users is visible in thesys.database_principals (Transact...