Format query results as JSON, or export data from SQL Server as JSON, by adding the FOR JSON clause to a SELECT statement.
Format query results as JSON, or export data from SQL Server as JSON, by adding the FOR JSON clause to a SELECT statement.
一、isjson实现json验证 --结果:1-json格式正确;0-json格式错误declare@json1nvarchar(max)='{"id":1,"name":"ki","age":22,"son":{"name":"son","age":1},"list":[{"city":"上海","area":"松江"},{"city":"上海","area":"松江"}]}'printisjson(@json1) 结果:1 二、JSON_VALUE取出...
JSON_QUERY, and ISJSON. For more advanced querying and analysis, the OPENJSON function can transform an array of JSON objects into a set of rows. Any SQL query can be executed on the returned result set. Finally, there is the FOR JSON clause...
Transform arrays of JSON objects into table format. Run any Transact-SQL query on the converted JSON objects. Format the results of Transact-SQL queries in JSON format. Key JSON capabilities of SQL Server and SQL Database The next sections discuss the key capabilities that SQL Server provides ...
SQL Server 2016 lets you treat JSON objects like rows in a table, allowing you to use data from AJAX queries in joins, updates and any other SQL statement you can think of.
The results are formatted as an array of JSON objects. The number of elements in the JSON array is equal to the number of rows in the results of the SELECT statement (before the FOR JSON clause is applied). Each row in the results of the SELECT statement (before the FOR...
JSON_QUERYExtracts an object or an array from a JSON string. JSON_VALUEExtracts a scalar value from a JSON string. OPENJSONParses JSON text and returns objects and properties from the JSON input as rows and columns. For more info about the built-in support for JSON in SQL Server, seeJSON...
You can add any JavaScript-like property or array after “$” to reference properties in JSON object. One simple example of a query where these built-in functions are used is: SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, JSON_VALUE(InfoJSON, ‘$.info.”social security number”’) as SSN, JSON_...
A few functions have been introduced with SQL 2016 in order to support JSON natively in SQL Server 2016. These functions are: SQL 2016引入了一些功能,以便在SQL Server 2016中原生支持JSON。这些功能是: ISJSONISJSON JSON_VALUEJSON_VALUE JSON_QUERYJSON_QUERY ...