-- 计算6个月前的日期DECLARE@SixMonthsAgoDATESET@SixMonthsAgo=DATEADD(MONTH,-6,@CurrentDate) 1. 2. 3. 代码说明: DATEADD(MONTH, -6, @CurrentDate): 在当前日期上减去6个月 3. 甘特图 2022-01-012022-01-012022-01-022022-01-022022-01-02获取当前日期计算6个月前的日期操作步骤SQL Server日期6个...
我们将number设置为-6表示向前推算6个月。 -- 计算6个月前的日期DECLARE@sixMonthsAgoDATETIME;SET@sixMonthsAgo=DATEADD(MONTH,-6,@currentDate);SELECT@sixMonthsAgoASSixMonthsAgo; 1. 2. 3. 4. 在这段代码中: 我们声明了另一个变量@sixMonthsAgo,同样类型为DATETIME。 DATEADD函数用于将当前日期往前推算6...
6 months, based on matching fact */ INNER JOIN DimProduct FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN @sixMonthsAgo AND @now AS DimProduct_History ON DimProduct_History.ProductId = F.ProductId AND F.FactDate BETWEEN DimProduct_History.ValidFrom AND DimProduct_History.ValidTo WHERE F.FactDate BETWEEN @sixMont...
6 months, based on matching fact */INNERJOINDimProductFORSYSTEM_TIMEBETWEEN@sixMonthsAgoAND@nowASDimProduct_HistoryONDimProduct_History.ProductId = F.ProductIdANDF.FactDateBETWEENDimProduct_History.ValidFromANDDimProduct_History.ValidToWHEREF.FactDateBETWEEN@sixMonthsAgoAND@nowGROUPBYDimProduct_History....
6 months, based on matching fact */ INNER JOIN DimProduct FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN @sixMonthsAgo AND @now AS DimProduct_History ON DimProduct_History.ProductId = F.ProductId AND F.FactDate BETWEEN DimProduct_History.ValidFrom AND DimProduct_History.ValidTo WHERE F.FactDate BETWEEN @sixMonths...
4 months ago .editorconfig Initial import 4 years ago .gitignore Go coverage.html added to .gitignore, as goreleaser needs clean git state 3 years ago .gitlab-ci.yml replaced deprecated --rm-dist goreleaser parameter 6 months ago .goreleaser.yml spaces/newline fix in goreleaser co...
marciemarc425published 3.0.6 • 8 months agopublished 3.0.6 8 months ago M Q P dbgate-sqltree JavaScript/TypeScript SQL query-builder library sql mssql postgresql query dbgate jan.prochazkapublished 5.5.7-alpha.16 • 3 days agopublished 5.5.7-alpha.16 3 days ago M Q P metasql Meta...
A simple and lightweight library for highlighting SQL queries written in pure JavaScript. Latest version: 6.0.0, last published: 6 months ago. Start using sql-highlight in your project by running `npm i sql-highlight`. There are 7 other projects in the n
About the lessons Since most users will be learning SQL to interact with an existing database, the lessons begin by introducing you to the various parts of an SQL query. The later lessons will then show you how to alter a table (or schema) and create new tables from scratch. ...
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