html SQL> !pwd /home/oracle 1.1 查看oracle容器内生成的AWR报告 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@test ~]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3edfba76f476 "/bin/sh -c '/home/o…" 2 months ago Up 3 hours
SQL> SELECT hire_date, TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(hire_date, -1), 'DD-MON-YYYY') "Previous month", TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(hire_date, 1), 'DD-MON-YYYY') "Next month" FROM employees WHERE first_name = 'Lex'; Sample Output: HIRE_DATE Previous month Next month --- --- --- 13-JAN-01 ...
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpti.sql //和上边的区别就在这于,输入报告类型后的部分Instances in this Workload Repository schema~~~DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host--- --- --- --- ---3704746844 2 HS08 HS082 hp102* 3704746844 1 HS08 HS081 hp101Enter value for dbid: 3704746844 (会...
SQL>select2to_char((sysdate-interval'1'day),'yyyy-mm-dd')asyesterday,3to_char((sysdate-interval'7'day),'yyyy-mm-dd')asweekago,4to_char((sysdate-interval'1'month),'yyyy-mm-dd')asmonthago,5to_char((sysdate-interval'1'year),'yyyy-mm-dd')asyearago6fromdual; YESTERDAY WEEKAGO MON...
Here is the SQL used in this report:Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy SELECT distinct patch as "Applied Interim Patch", installation_time as "Time Applied", tgtcomp.target_name as "Database Target Name", patch.home_location as "Oracle Home Directory", patch.home_name as "...
The time series functions calculate AGO, TODATE, and PERIODROLLING functions based on the calendar tables in your data warehouse, not on standard SQL date manipulation functions.To create time series measures, you perform the following steps:Identify a Logical Dimension as a Time Dimension ...
to_char((sysdate-interval'1'year),'yyyy-mm-dd') as yearago from dual 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 执行效果: SQL> select 2 to_char((sysdate-interval'1'day),'yyyy-mm-dd') as yesterday, 3 to_char((sysdate-interval'7'day),'yyyy-mm-dd') as weekago, ...
plsqldev配置oracle数据监听 oracle安装本地虚拟机上,用的docker安装 查看oracle是否运行 docker ps: c1a14ea539b2"/bin/sh -c '/home/o…"11months ago Up6months0.0.0.0:1521->1521/tcp oracle_11g...
AGO(n, date_expression) 其中,n表示要计算的日期数量,可以是正数或负数,表示之前或之后的日期。date_expression表示参考的日期表达式。 该函数的等效项是使用Oracle的日期运算符进行计算。以下是一些等效的SQL语句: 计算当前日期前一天的日期: 抱歉,当前编辑器暂不支持代码块标记为txt语言,您可操作将代码块语言设置为...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SQL> execute print_tABLE(q'(select * from dba_index_usage where name = 'T1_RAND')') OBJECT_ID : 209738 NAME : T1_RAND OWNER : TEST_USER TOTAL_ACCESS_COUNT : 3 TOTAL_EXEC_COUNT : 1 TOTAL_ROWS_RETURNED : 141 BUCKET_0_AC...