SELECTDATEADD(MONTH,-1,GETDATE())ASOneMonthAgo 1. 在上述代码中,GETDATE()函数返回当前日期和时间,DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())则将当前日期减去一个月。通过将GETDATE()函数的结果传递给DATEADD函数,我们可以得到一个月前的日期。 方法二:使用DATEFROMPARTS和DATEADD函数 除了使用DATEADD函数外,我们还可以使...
-1,@CurrentDate);-- 当前日期减去一个月DECLARE@FirstDayOfLastMonthDATETIME;SET@FirstDayOfLastMonth=DATEADD(DAY,1-DAY(@OneMonthAgo),@OneMonthAgo);-- 获取前一月的第一天DECLARE@LastDayOfLastMonthDATETIME;SET@LastDayOfLastMonth=EOMONTH(@OneMonthAgo);--...
In those UPDATE statements above we've set three different users first_paid_at columns: User ID 1 to the current time (NOW()), User ID 2 to one month ago, and User ID 3 to one year ago. 在上面的那些UPDATE语句中,我们将三个不同的用户first_paid_at列设置为:用户ID 1设置为当前时间( ...
是指在SQL数据库中,获取最大日期时间的前一天。在SQL中,可以使用MAX函数来获取某一列中的最大日期时间值,然后使用DATEADD函数来对最大日期时间进行减一天的操作。 以下是一个示例的SQL查询...
Relative dates, such as Today, Tomorrow, and 7 days ago, are now supported for date and date time parameters. Number range sliders can be added as filters on a dashboard. Histograms can now display disaggregated data. Scatter plots now support size encoding.Dashboard fixes:Temporal...
4.1.1•Public• Publisheda month ago SQL DDL to JSON Schema converter Transforms SQL DDL statements into JSON format (JSON Schema and a compact format). Overview Taking the following SQL: CREATETABLEusers( idINT(11)NOT NULLAUTO_INCREMENT, nicknameVARCHAR(255)NOT NULL, deleted_atTIMESTAMPNULL...
How to get date one week ago fom now? How to get distinct columns using COALESCE How to get exactly same case sensitive value from database? How to get Excel sheetnames dynamically and import them into SQL with C#? how to get first and last 10 rows from table in linq to sql? How ...
AlaSQL is an unfunded open source project installed 200k+ times each month. Please donate your time. We appreciate any and all contributions we can get. Have a question? Ask the AlaSQL bot or post on Stack Overflow.AlaSQLAlaSQL - ( à la SQL ) [ælæ ɛskju:ɛl] - is an ope...
You can easily modify this query to analyze the site visits as of a day ago, a month ago or at any point in the past you wish.To perform basic statistical analysis for the previous day, use the following example:SQL Copy DECLARE @twoDaysAgo datetime2 = DATEADD(DAY, -2, SYSUTC...
Because it’s SQL Azure, one gets the performance, scalability and reliability without all of the headaches of designing, provisioning and managing the infrastructure. Look for next month’s column, where I’ll expand on the implementation and show how Azure can be added into the mix for ...