EXECUTE procedure_name 23.在sql*plus中连接到指定的数据库 CONNECT user_name/passwd@db_alias 24.设置每个报表的顶部标题 TTITLE 25.设置每个报表的尾部标题 BTITLE 26.写一个注释 REMARK [text] 27.将指定的信息或一个空行输出到屏幕上 PROMPT [text] 28.将执行的过程暂停,等待用户响应后继续执行 PAUSE [...
Next, SQL*Plusdisplays the SQL*Plus command prompt: SQL> The SQL*Plus command prompt indicates that SQL*Plus is ready to accept your commands. If SQL*Plus does not start, you should see a message to help you correct the problem.
Suppresses all SQL*Plus information and prompt messages, including the command prompt, the echoing of commands, and the banner normally displayed when you start SQL*Plus. If you omitusernameorpassword, SQL*Plus prompts for them, but the prompts are not visible. Use SILENT to invoke SQL*Plus w...
the @ command. It is useful for running nested scripts because it has the additional functionality of looking for the nested script in the same url or path as the calling script. Only the url form is supported in iSQL * Plus. @@ {url ...
index则列出了前当sqlplus下有所可用命令 system@CNMMBO> help HELP --- Accesses this command line help system. Enter HELP INDEX or ? INDEX for a list of topics. In iSQL*Plus, click the Help button to display iSQL*Plus online help. You can view SQL*Plus resources at http://otn.oracle...
The SQL*Plus column command supports a variety of formatting features. These are not included in the support here. Column support in SQL Developer 2.1 relates to input variable as shown in the example below. column global_name new_value gname select user global_name from dual; prompt '&...
system@CNMMBO>selectcount(*)from help;COUNT(*)---978--直接在命令提示符下输入help,则给出SQL*plus help的用法:HELP|?[topic]--help index or?index则列出了当前sqlplus下所有可用命令 system@CNMMBO>helpHELP---Accessesthiscommand line help system.EnterHELPINDEXor?INDEXfora listoftopics.In iSQL*Plu...
Sets the prompt for the second and subsequent lines of a SQL command or PL/SQL block. SET SUF[FIX] {SQL | text} Sets the default file that SQL*Plus uses in commands that refer to scripts. SET TI[ME] {ON | OFF} Controls the display of the current time. ...
After you login into SQL*Plus, at the SQL prompt, you can begin typing any SQL command. Upon hitting return (i.e., enter key) the SQL prompt will change to line number prompts. When you are finished typing a command, type / or RUN to execute the SQL command. Also, a semicolon ...