prompt or line number prompt in SQL*Plus command line, or use slash (/) in the iSQL*Plus Workspace. The buffer has no command history and does not record SQL*Plus commands. 例子:如下图所示: ---5 ACCEPT SQL> HELP ACCEPT ACCEPT可以修改既有变量,也可定义一个新变量并等待用户输入初始值。
EXECUTE procedure_name 23.在sql*plus中连接到指定的数据库 CONNECT user_name/passwd@db_alias 24.设置每个报表的顶部标题 TTITLE 25.设置每个报表的尾部标题 BTITLE 26.写一个注释 REMARK [text] 27.将指定的信息或一个空行输出到屏幕上 PROMPT [text] 28.将执行的过程暂停,等待用户响应后继续执行 PAUSE [...
or line number prompt in SQL * Plus command line, or use slash ( / ) in the iSQL * Plus Workspace. The buffer has no command history and does not record SQL * Plus commands. 例子:如下图所示: -- -5 ACCEPT SQL > HELP ACCEPT ACCEPT可以修改既有变量,也可定义一个新变量并等待用户输入...
SQL*Plus ConfigurationYou may wish to set up your SQL*Plus environment in a particular way (such as showing the current time as part of the SQL*Plus command prompt) and then reuse those settings with each session. You can do this through two host operating system files, the Site Profile ...
SQL*Plus prompts for this alias as the "Host String" parameter when you log in. Select the network protocol Select the appropriate protocols you would like to support. Most applications use TCP. Specify the host information to identify the database listener The host is the name or DNS alias...
You use the SQLPLUS command at the operating system prompt to start SQL*Plus: SQLPLUS [ [Options] [Logon] [Start] ] where: You have the option of entering logon. If you do not specify logon but do specify start, SQL*Plus assumes that the first line of the script contains a valid ...
SQL*PLUS命令的使用大全 Oracle的sql*plus是与oracle进行交互的客户端工具。在sql*plus中,可以运行sql*plus命令与sql*plus语句。 我们通常所说的DML、DDL、DCL语句都是sql*plus语句,它们执行完后,都可以保存在一个被称为sql buffer的内存区域中,并且只能保存一条最近执行的sql语句,我们可以对保存在sql buffer中的...
to the remote SID or Service Name that was configured when the database was created; it has been referred to by several names in different Oracle releases and products, including Net Service Name and TNS Alias. SQL*Plus prompts for this alias as the "Host String" parameter when you log ...
The free space on all attached disk drives plus the raw data size. The default storage size does not include nonclustered indexes and indexed views. -Cmax_columns_in_index Specifies the maximum number of columns in indexes thatdtaproposes. The maximum value is 1024. By default, this argument...
The SQL*Plus column command supports a variety of formatting features. These are not included in the support here. Column support in SQL Developer 2.1 relates to input variable as shown in the example below. column global_name new_value gname select user global_name from dual; prompt '&...