The SQL Worksheet currently supports a number of SQL*Plus commands. SQL*Plus commands which are not supported by the SQL Worksheet are ignored and are not sent to the Oracle database. CommandRelease 1.1Release 1.2.1Release 1.5Release 1.5.5Release 2.1Release 3.0 @ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes @...
If the START command is disabled (see"Disabling SQL*Plus, SQL, and PL/SQL Commands"), this will also disable the @ command. SeeSTARTfor information on the START command. SQL*Plus removes the SQLTERMINATOR (a semicolon by default) before the @ command is issued. If you require a semico...
Output HTML text, which is the output used by iSQL*Plus. NEWP[AGE] {1|n} The number of blank lines between the top of each page and the top title. 0 = a formfeed between pages. NULLtextReplace a null value with 'text' The NULL clause of theCOLUMNcommand will override this for a...
Places a comment which SQL*Plus does not interpret as a command. NEWPAGE SET NEWP[AGE] {1|n|NONE} Sets the number of blank lines to be printed from the top of each page to the top title. SET BUFFER EDIT Use the SQL*Plus SAVE, GET, @ and START commands to create and use...
Note: This property is not available in the Oracle Source dialog box, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor. SqlCommand String The SQL command to be executed. TableName String The name of the table with the data that is being used.Table 2: Custom properties of the Oracle sourceOrac...
(SQLcl) is a free command line interface for Oracle Database. It allows you to interactively or batch execute SQL and PL/SQL. SQLcl provides in-line editing, statement completion, and command recall for a feature-rich experience, all while also supporting your previously written SQL*Plus ...
It will also be available as a standalone Web download, and will integrate into existing installations of Visual Studio 2010 and the next version of Visual Studio. Moreover, Juneau has a separate command-line tools installer for publishing databases without requiring Visual St...
It is important to consider the “application ecosystem”— the data components of the system that must be protected. This may be as simple as a few rows in a table or as complicated as multiple databases on different SQL Server 2008 instances, plus appropriate SQL Server Agent jobs, security...
Plus, it can execute and output XML to get customer and order data using: FOR XML RAW FOR XML AUTO FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, XMLDATA Working with FOR XML Restrictions Neither FOR XML AUTO nor FOR XML RAW offer complete support for returning binary data. For example...
This works but gives one line of output for each event that's captured. That's not a terrific format plus I'd like to get aggregated output, so I decided to use a derived table, as you can see inFigure 6. Figure 6 Getting aggregated output ...