g: 用流式分选SPP1+ macrophage,验证在tumor中显著高; h: RNA velocity分析表明,SPP1+ macrophage有可能起源于THBS1+ macrophage; i/j/k/l: 用pySCENIC分析,10个细胞亚型的top 转录因子和调节子,发现STAT1 是SPP1+ macrophage特异性表达; FAP+ fibroblasts 和 SPP1+ macrophage相关性分析 主图 a: 通过scRNA...
[1] Wei J , Chen Z , Hu M ,et al.Characterizing Intercellular Communication of Pan-Cancer Reveals SPP1+ Tumor-Associated Macrophage Expanded in Hypoxia and Promoting Cancer Malignancy Through Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data[J].Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 2021, 9:749210.DOI:10.3389/...
关联研究:CXCL9:SPP1巨噬细胞极性确定来控制人类癌症的细胞程序网络 2023年8月4日,瑞士日内瓦大学领导的国际研究团队在Science(IF=56.9)发表了研究论文:CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a network of cellular programs that control human cancers。由 CXCL9 和 SPP1 这两个基因的表达所定义的巨噬细胞极...
参考文献: [1] Wei J , Chen Z , Hu M ,et al.Characterizing Intercellular Communication of Pan-Cancer Reveals SPP1+ Tumor-Associated Macrophage Expanded in Hypoxia and Promoting Cancer Malignancy Through Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data[J].Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 2021, 9:749210.DO...
[1] Wei J , Chen Z , Hu M ,et al.Characterizing Intercellular Communication of Pan-Cancer Reveals SPP1+ Tumor-Associated Macrophage Expanded in Hypoxia and Promoting Cancer Malignancy Through Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data[J].Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 2021, 9:749210.DOI:10.3389/...
47, focusing on liver cancer and colorectal cancer respectively, demonstrated that FAP + fibroblast and SPP1 + macrophage contribute to ECM remodeling and orchestrate the formation of a connective tissue hyperplasia microenvironment, thereby impeding lymphocyte infiltration into tumor cores and ...
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is among the most common malignancies with limited treatments other than surgery. The tumor microenvironment (TME) profiling enables the discovery of potential therapeutic targets. Here, we profile 54,103 cells from tumor and adja
SPP1 is expressed not only by tumor cells but also by stromal cells, such as macrophages. However, there have been no studies distinguishing the SPP1 expression of cancer cells and tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs). Thus, in this study, we tried to accurately evaluate the SPP1 expression ...
2024年2月,广西医科大学附属肿瘤医院的向邦德教授团队发表一篇题为“Integrating single‑cell and bulk RNA sequencing reveals CK19 + cancer stem cells and their specific SPP1 + tumor‑associated macrophage niche in HBV‑related hepatocellular carcinoma”的研究成果。本研究通过整合单细胞和Bulk RNA测序数...
1) Macrophage Regulation in IDD: SPP1 activates the PERK/ATF4/IL-10 signaling axis in macrophages, increasing IL-10 production, essential for inhibiting msi-IDD progression. 2) Effective Intervention: Inhibition of SPP1 in macrophages shows potential for therapeutic intervention, significantly mitigating...