本研究突显肿瘤微环境复杂性对癌症进展的影响,重点发现新定义的CXCL9和SPP1表达的巨噬细胞极性与癌症预后关联密切,为揭示癌症调控规则提供了简明但重要的变量。 2023年8月4日,一项由瑞士日内瓦大学领导的国际研究团队在癌症免疫研究领域取得了重大突破。他们的最新研究“CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a netw...
近期,来自瑞士University of Geneva的Mikael J. Pittet研究组在Science上发表题为CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a network of cellular programs that control human cancers的文章,将病人个体差异这一变量加入RNA测序数据处理和分析之中,并进一...
2023年8月4日,瑞士日内瓦大学领导的国际研究团队在Science(IF=56.9)发表了研究论文:CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a network of cellular programs that control human cancers。 由 CXCL9 和 SP…
近期,来自瑞士University of Geneva的Mikael J. Pittet研究组在Science上发表题为CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a network of cellular programs that control human cancers的文章,将病人个体差异这一变量加入RNA测序数据处理和分析之中,并进一步确定了人类肿瘤发展和预后的新指标。 首先,作者收集了来自51位...
内容提示: CANCER IMMUNOLOGYCXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a networkof cellular programs that control human cancersRuben Bill 1,2,3,4,5 †, Pratyaksha Wirapati 1,2,3 †, Marius Messemaker 4,6 , Whijae Roh 7 , Beatrice Zitti 1,2,3 ,Florent Duval 1,2,3 , Máté Kiss 1...
肿瘤微环境(TMEs)影响癌症进展,但其复杂性和不同患者之间的差异。同样的疾病在患者身上的表现可能不同,是研究人类疾病的挑战之一。考虑到微环境变化可能揭示控制肿瘤内细胞程序和疾病结局的规则,研究人员重点研究了52例头颈部鳞状细胞癌的肿瘤间变异。研究发表在《Science》上,文章标题为:“CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage ...
Deciphering tumor microenvironment: CXCL9 and SPP1 as crucial determinants of tumor-associated macrophage polarity and prognostic indicatorsTUMOR microenvironmentCANCER invasivenessMACROPHAGESCELL anatomyCLINICAL medicineThe tumor microenvironment (TME) is an intricate system comprised of tumor cells and the ...
CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a network of cellular programs that control human cancers CXCL9:SPP1巨噬细胞极性识别控制人类癌症的细胞程序网络 相关领域 极性(国际关系)巨噬细胞肿瘤微环境癌症生物癌症研究细胞医学肿瘤细胞内科学遗传学体外
Macrophage infiltration plays a central role in AS and was previously thought to be a late consequence of steatosis. However, recent studies have shown that the activation and infiltration of macrophages are also early initiating event in NASH. Inhibition of macrophage infiltration has been shown to...
Macrophage infiltration plays a central role in AS and was previously thought to be a late consequence of steatosis. However, recent studies have shown that the activation and infiltration of macrophages are also early initiating event in NASH. Inhibition of macrophage infiltration has been shown to...