You can find an example here: You will need to modify the json object in GenerateFlowFile, then adjust the Reader/Writer, and the results query into $.VisitList[] array. Once you have this lil ...
I have encountered a rather weird bug with NiFi's SplitJson processor. I am using NiFi 1.18 and it's a three node cluster. I think the best way of explaining it will be to use as example, so here is how to recreate this bug: I created this flow with the following ...
I would prefer to have it split into an actual structure, such as {"http":{"request":{"uri":"/hello/"},"context":etc. Is this a simple thing to do with NiFi? (otherwise I will keep the response I have now that carries the relevant data, just not optimally formatted) ...
NIFI - How to split non root node (json array), but include root level attribute in flowfile Labels: Apache NiFi lightsailpro Contributor Created 11-08-2016 08:13 PM In the following JSON, { "p":{ "key":"k1", "theme":"default" }, "version":"1.1.0", ...
You can find an example here: You will need to modify the json object in GenerateFlowFile, then adjust the Reader/Writer, and the results query into $.VisitList[] array. Once you have this lil ...