NiFi Processors概述 或UPDATE发送到Mongo。 1.8.拆分与合并SplitText:SplitText接收单个FlowFile,其内容为文本,然后根据配置的行数将其拆分为1个或多个FlowFile。例如,处理器可以配置为将FlowFile拆分为多个FlowFile,每个文件只有1行。 SplitJson: 允许用户根据JSON元素将由数组或许多子对象组成的JSON对象拆分为FlowFile ...
为了创建高效的数据流处理流程,需要了解可用的处理器(Processors )类型,NiFi提供了大约近300个现成的...
How to remove the header when using NiFi SplitText processor Labels: Apache NiFi alvinuw Expert Contributor Created 06-28-2017 08:18 PM Hello, I have a csv file with the first line as header. When I use SplitText processor, the split tiny files contain that header ...
Disable(启用或禁用):此选项允许用户启用或启用处理器; 该选项将为“启用”或“禁用”,具体取决于处理器的当前状态。 View data provenance(查看数据来源):此选项显示NiFi数据来源表,其中包含有关通过该处理器路由FlowFiles的数据来源事件的信息。 View status history(查看状态历史记录):此选项打开处理器统计信息随时...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于splittext python的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及splittext python问答内容。更多splittext python相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
I have encountered a rather weird bug with NiFi's SplitJson processor. I am using NiFi 1.18 and it's a three node cluster. I think the best way of explaining it will be to use as example, so here is how to recreate this bug: I created this flow with the following ...
Text description provided by the architects. This project gutted and re-built a classic split-level house from the early 1980's. A long angular space was completely opened up, to create an airy sense of volume not possible in Vancouver anymore, since high ceilings heights are not allowed in...
[英]Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified. The separator is not included in the returned String array. Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens. For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class. A null input String returns null. A ...
An alternative to Jolt, which Tim alluded to, is to use EvaluateJsonPath to get the p.* fields into attributes, then SplitJson, then EvaluateJsonPath to get the s.* attributes, then ReplaceText (either generating JSON or CSV as described). In my opinion I'd use th...
{ Nested JSON object 1 }{ Nested JSON object 2 }{ Nested JSON object N } Can you please help to split JSON flow file into separate JSON objects using Nifi processors. What should be the JsonPath Expression in SplitJSON processor? thanks in advance!Reply...