Using OpenNLP for Identifying Names From Text Extract text between two characters How to configure Extracting Text custom process in... Duplicate results using extract text processor for... Using Apache NiFi for Speech Processing: Speech to... Counting lines in text files with NiFi - par...
ExtractText 查看原文 NiFi Processors概述 的值。我们还可以将一个表达式嵌入另一个表达式中。例如,如果我们想将“ attr1”属性的值与“ attr2”属性的值进行比较,则可以使用以下表达式来...为了能够创建一个高效的NiFi数据数据流程,我们需要了解有哪些Processor类型可以使用。每个新的NiFi版本Processor数量都会增加,...
I'm using the NIFI ExtractText Processor and I'm trying to come up with the regular expression to extract a Header and its value from a JSON String. Sample JSON Data is: {"_id": "5b42fe8f7f663540330b3bdc","index": 0,"guid": "60358c95-e50c-4f5e-ad48-00d9e1f9a849","is...
If it is possible that any one of these fields may be the very last field in the content line, for this to work you would need to append a blank space to the end of the content using the ReplaceText processor before sending your FlowFile to your ExtractText processor....
I had been automate get request based on user query param using nifi with help of InvokeHttp.Here is the example;"bigdata"&api_key="""apple"&api_key="" I did split text using line by line read and invoke http processor using fetch those resp...
I've been slowly ramping up with Nifi, and am trying to find some information on the ExtractGrok processor. I can't seem to find any actual examples anywhere on it's use and everything I'm trying is failing. Specifically, I can't figure out exactly what to provide for the grok Exp...
I have an incoming file having say user name and user address in each line. User name is from char 1 to char 5 and user address is from char 6 to char 15. How to use ExtractText processor for it. I tried using Search Value as ^(.{5})(.{10}) and in replacement value ...
how to extract fields in flow file which are surrounded by square brackets Labels: Apache NiFi sdendukuri Contributor Created 10-08-2018 09:02 PM Hi How extract fields from flow file in json format are in square brackets. I am using Evaluate json path processor b...
ExtractHL7Attribute processor throws error ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.EncodingNotSupportedException: Determine encoding for message Labels: Apache Hive dhamupgp Contributor Created on 11-15-2018 10:53 AM - edited 08-17-2019 05:54 PM As the existing GETTCP/ListenTCP NiFi processors are...
2. then used splittext processor, to split each record as one csv file by setting property Header line count to 1. 3. then need to extract the 1st record at column1, use that record(2nd row and 2nd column) value as file name and sheet name for the each individual fi...