NiFi: How to extract the size of a JSON array into an attribute? Labels: Apache NiFi patrick_hochste Explorer Created05-29-201902:14 PM In my flow file I have JSON content which contains an array. How can I extract the size of that array into an attribute (e.g. my.arr...
Labels: Apache NiFi nejmhadjmbarek Rising Star Created 03-03-2016 02:10 PM I use gethttp processor to stream data using http request, so I need to get attribute from file json that I get from the first request and use it for another request, how I can do this with ...
{"http":{"request":{"uri":"/hello/"},"context":etc. Is this a simple thing to do with NiFi? (otherwise I will keep the response I have now that carries the relevant data, just not optimally formatted) You can add aJoltTransformJSONprocessor with the followingspecification: ...
How to get elements from array with Jolt Transform and make new attributes with their values in NiFi I have a JSON: {"FILE":"23, 21, 24, 25"} I need it to look like this: [{"FILE":{"First":"23","Second":"21","Third":"24","Fourth":"25"}}] I made...
This article presents14 top-tier data migration toolsthat enable you to move data between differentstoragesystems smoothly. Jump in to read the reviews of the market's top migration tools and see which one makes the most sense for your data transfer needs. ...
If you download the install script and read it, you’ll see it includes logic to abort if the Mac OS X version is less than 10.5. If that triggers, the script will refer you toTigerBrew, which is an experimental fork of Homebrew that adds support for PowerPC Macs and Macs running Ti...
README Apache-2.0 license Creating a realtime stock price dashboard using HDP and HDF Overview This lab will teach you how to use Hortonworks Data Platform and NiFi to monitor stock prices and display them on a dashboard. We will go through the following steps in order: download and install...
Otherwise, Log In to your WordPress admin area, and look around in these places: “Plugins” – take a look at your active plugins to see which might be sitemap-related. If one is, then you should be able to read its documentation to find where to change it’s settings. ...
Another mining pool in a config.json file Changing DNS resolvers to Hardcoded SSH key for persistence /tmp/ folder cleanup Kill processes listening on TCP ports 52018 and 52019 Removing and renaming the iptables binary Aliyun AV software uninstaller ...
Andare alla raccolta dei temi di Microsoft Power BI Community per Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Selezionare l'allegato Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.json del download.Importare il tema in un reportDopo aver scaricato il tema del report Business Central è possibile importarlo...