蛋白质互作的鉴定方法包括蛋白质pull-down、酵母双杂交、免疫共沉淀和双分子荧光互补等。🔍 Split-LUC技术 Split-LUC作为一种替代方法,能够快速、灵敏地检测植物细胞中可能存在的蛋白互作。它不仅能够定性检测蛋白互作,还可以定量测定蛋白质互作的强度。💡 荧光素酶互补实验(Luciferase Complementation Assay,LCA) 荧光...
这篇高分文章中研究人员使用Molecular Devices SpectraMax i3x多功能微孔板读板机进行Split-LUC测定,验证了SWEET11 和 SWEET 12 与SnRK2的潜在相互作用,从分子层面揭示了干旱胁迫下植物根冠比的调控机制。植物蛋白质相互作用研究方法包括体内、体外及生物信息学(in silico)等。体内研究方法包括酵母双杂交系统(Y2H)...
在这篇Bio-protocol文章中,来自中国科学院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心Alberto Macho研究组的研究人员以农杆菌对本氏烟进行瞬时转化为例,为我们带来分裂荧光素酶互补成像(Split-LUC imaging)的试验方法。 亮点 1. 分裂荧光素酶互补成像是一种比较简单、快速的蛋白质互作体内检测方法; 2. 分裂荧光素酶互补成像不但可以...
Brunsveld, LucJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdAngewandte ChemieBosmans RPG, Briels JM, Milroy LG, de Greef TFA, Merkx M, Brunsveld L. 2016. Supramolecular control over Split-Luciferase complementation. Angewandte Chemie 55:02807. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie. 201602807...
The recently established split-luciferase complementation (Split-LUC) imaging assay has several advantages compared to other approaches to detect PPIs in planta: it is a relatively simple and fast method to detect PPIs in vivo; the results are quantitative, with high sensitivity and low background;...
GL2-LUC siRNA (control siRNA) N/A BiP siRNA N/A GRP94 siRNA N/A ON-TARGET plus Human P4HB (PDI) SMART pool GE Dharmacon Catalog # L-003690-00-0005 ON-TARGET plus Human CALR (CRT) SMART pool GE Dharmacon Catalog # L-0008197-00-0005 Hs_SERPINH1 (HSP47). 6 FlexiTube siRNA QIAGE...
Thus, when necrosis occurs in cells expressing either of two split-luc fragments, due to cell membrane destruction, the two fragments released from cells meet to be reconstituted in the extracellular space by PTS. The addition of luciferin as a luminescent substrate to the extracellular space ...
For Instance, the accumulation level of the NRLuc-GID1 protein is lower than that of the NRLuc-H2A protein (Figure 2A). Figure 2 The interaction of histone-2A and histone-2B was detected by complemented luciferase activity in rice protoplasts. (A) Accumulations of split luciferase fused to...
Relative luciferase (LUC) activity was calculated by setting the LUC activity of the unsplit ABE (PIGS-ABE8e) as 100%. Data are shown as mean values of two biological replicates. c, Representative Manhattan plot (Rep.3) for transcriptome-wide off-target A-to-I edits in individual ...