This has been partially overcome by the development of 3-dimensional (3D) in vitro models, one of which is the spheroid assay or 3D sprouting assay that exploits the effect of the extracellular matrix to endothelial cell functions. This chapter focuses on the description of the spheroid assay ...
Cell Invasion in the Spheroid Sprouting Assay: A Spatial Organization Analysis Adaptable to Cell Behaviour. PLoS One 2014, 9, e97019.Blacher S, Erpicum C, Lenoir B et al (2014) Cell invasion in the spheroid sprouting assay: a spatial organisation analysis adaptable to cell behaviour. Plos ...
to exhibit an improved sprouting activity and survival when compared to HUVECs (Finkenzeller et al., 2007; Stahl et al., 2005). Another prevascularization approach involves the generation of spheroids consisting of undifferentiated MSCs (Bhang et al., 2012; Laschke et al., 2013). Recently, ...
(ThermoFisher). RNA integrity was verified on a Bioanalyzer 2100 using an Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Assay. Small RNA libraries were prepared according to the manufacturer’s protocol using a NEBNext® Multiplex Small RNA Library Prep Set for Illumina (New England Biolabs). Libraries were size ...
Building on this basic growth kinetic assay, we also successfully optimized de novo three-dimensional tumor spheroid-based functional assays in 96-well plates, for relatively HT formats: in situ three-dimensional tumor spheroid invasion into Matrigel, migration of cells from tumor spheroids on matrix...
In addition, VEGF already showed a beneficial effect on the viability and sprouting of HUVEC spheroids [34], [83], [84]. In these experimental conditions, at day 2, a thick layer of endothelial cells was observed around the fibronectin-rich cytokeratin-negative core (Fig. S9c). On the ...
Additional file 5: Video 2. Tumor spheroid (TS)-embryoid body (EB) confrontation culture assay. Single day 4 U-87 MG TS and day 5 EBs were cocultured in each well of ultra-low attachment (ULA) 96-well plates. Timelapse imaging of the TS-EB confrontation culture shows the relatively rap...
The aim of the study was to establish a neuronal 3D spheroidal sprouting assay for peripheral nerve regeneration.Kraus, D.Boyle, V.Leibig, N.Stark, G. B.Penna, V.Journal of Neuroscience MethodsD. Kraus, V. Boyle, N. Leibig, G.B. Stark, and V. Penna: The neuro-spheroid --a novel...
Sprouting assayPeripheral nerve regenerationSchwann cellsNG108-15 cellsIn order to reduce in vivo animal experiments in peripheral nerve regeneration research, in vitro models are desirable. Common two dimensional (2D) co-culture models lack the complex interactions of three dimensional (3D) ...
Building on this basic growth kinetic assay, we also successfully optimized de novo three-dimensional tumor spheroid-based functional assays in 96-well plates, for relatively HT formats: in situ three-dimensional tumor spheroid invasion into Matrigel, migration of cells from tumor spheroids on matrix...