sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-columns SHOW COLUMNS - 查看字段信息 查看指定表的所有字段列表,如果表不存在,则会抛出异常. 使用语法 -- 使用语法 SHOW COLUMNS table_identifier [ database ] 1. 2. 使用示例 -- Create `customer` table in `salesdb` database; USE salesdb; CREATE TABLE customer( cust_cd...
show tables[in db_name]show views[in db_name]show columnsindb_name.table_name 1,创建数据库 创建数据库,通过LOCATION 指定数据库文件存储的位置: CREATE{DATABASE|SCHEMA}[IF NOT EXISTS]database_name[LOCATION database_directory] LOCATION database_directory:指定存储数据库文件系统的路径,如果底层的文件...
1、查看已有的database show databases; --切换数据库 use databaseName; 1. 2. 3. 2、创建数据库 create database myDatabase; 1. 3、登录数据库myDatabase; use myDatabase 1. 4、查看已有的table show tables; -- 查看所有表 show tables 'KHDX'; -- 支持模糊查询,表名包含KHDX 1. 2. 5、创...
scala>spark.sql("show tables").show(false)+---+---+---+|database|tableName|isTemporary|+---+---+---+|default|dept|false||default|emp|false|+---+---+---+scala>spark.sql("use ruozedata")scala>spark.sql("show tables").show(false)+---+---+---+|database|tableName|isTe...
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show tables; +---+---+---+--+ | database | tableName | isTemporary | +---+---+---+--+ | default | dept | false | | default | emp | false | | default | hive_wordcount | false |...
--conf spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled=true spark2.3升级:pyspark.sql.utils.ParseException: u"\nDataType varchar is not supported. cast(cid as varchar) 改成 cast(cid as string) Error in query: Invalid usage of '*' in expression 'unresolvedextractvalue'; spark_args=["--conf spark.sql.parser....
此教學課程示範如何使用 Azure Data Studio 中的 Spark 作業,將資料內嵌至 SQL Server 巨量資料叢集的資料集區。
This section describes the Spark SQL syntax list provided by DLI. For details about the parameters and examples, see the syntax description. Table 1 SQL syntax of batch jobs Classification Database-related Syntax Creating a Database Deleting a Database Checking a Specified Database Checking All ...
["x$DATABASE"=~$DATABASE_REG]]# 遍历符合库名正则表达式的数据库then$MYSQL_CMD-NB-e"SHOW TABLES FROM${DATABASE}"|whilereadTABLEdoif[["x$TABLE"=~$TABLE_REG]]# 遍历符合表名正则表达式的数据表thenSELECT_SQL="select ... from${DATABASE}.${TABLE}"$MYSQL_CMD-NB-e"${SELECT_SQL}">>$...
DataFramesval results=spark.sql("SELECT name FROM people")// The results of SQL queries are DataFrames and support all the normal RDD operations// The columns of a row in the result can be accessed by field index or by field nameresults.map(attributes=>"Name: "+attributes(0)).show()...