时间复杂度O(nlogn) 不考虑递归栈空间的话空间复杂度是O(1) 首先用快慢指针的方法找到链表中间节点,然后递归的对两个子链表排序,把两个排好序的子链表合并成一条有序的链表。归并排序应该算是链表排序最佳的选择了,保证了最好和最坏时间复杂度都是nlogn,而且它在数组排序中广受诟病的空间复杂度在链表排序中也...
leetcode:Sort List(一个链表的归并排序) Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time using constant space complexity.分析:题目要求时间复杂度为O(nlogn),所以不能用quickSort(最坏O(n^2)),可以使用mergeSort.对一个链表进行归并排序,首先注意归并排序的基本思想:找到链表的middle节点,然后递归对前半部分和...
JavaScript实现 1/**2* @param {ListNode} head3* @return {ListNode}4*/5varsortList =function(head) {6//corner case7if(head ===null|| head.next ===null) {8returnhead;9}10let middle =findMiddle(head);11let next =middle.next;12middle.next =null;13returnmerge(sortList(head), sortLis...
leetcode 148. Sort List 链表归并排序 Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time using constant space complexity. 本题就是考察的是链表的归并排序。 代码如下: /*class ListNode { int val; ListNode next; ListNode(int x) { val = x; } }*/ public class Solution { public ListNode sortList(Lis...
【LeetCode OJ】Insertion Sort List Problem: Sort a linked list using insertion sort. The node of the linked list is defined as: /** * D ... 147. Insertion Sort List Sort a linked list using insertion sort. 代码如下: /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public cla ... ...
LeetCode 148 Sort List 链表上的归并排序和快速排序 Sort a linked list inO(nlogn) time using constant space complexity. 单链表排序---快排 & 归并排序 (1)归并排序 1/**2* Definition for singly-linked list.3* struct ListNode {4* int val;5* ListNode *next;6* ListNode(int x) : val(x)...
Leetcode - Sort List My code: /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */publicclassSolution{publicListNodesortList(ListNodehead){if(head==null)returnnull;intcount=0;ListNodetemp=head;while(...
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LeetCode – Sort List: Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time using constant space complexity. Analysis If this problem does not have the constant space limitation, we can easily sort using a sorting method from Java SDK. With the constant space limitation, we need to do some pointer ma...
今天的笔记包含多路归并(K-way merge)与拓扑排序(Topological Sort)类型下的X个题目。其中“多路归并”在leetcode上的编号和题名分别是: 21 - 合并两个有序列表 23 - 合并k个排序列表 373 - 查找和最小的k对数字 378 - 有序矩阵中第k小的元素