The following command uses the$sortstage to sort on theboroughfield: db.restaurants.aggregate( [ {$sort:{borough:1} } ] ) In this example, sort order may be inconsistent, since theboroughfield contains duplicate values for bothManhattanandBrooklyn. Documents are returned in alphabetical order by...
Sort operation 该页面涉及的MongoDB查询语句使用了排序。more than the maximum 33554432 排序操作超过了MongoDB单个Session排序可使用的最大内存限制。检索MongoDB的日志确实存在大量的查询报错,跟APP页面报错能够对应上;并且日志中排序使用的字段为 DT 和 _id ,升序排序。涉及业务敏感字,全文会略过、改写或使用'x...
最近在获取mongodb某个集合的数据过程中,在进行排序的过程中报错,具体报错信息如下: Error: error: {"ok":0,"errmsg":"Executor error during find command: OperationFailed: Sort operation used more than the maximum33554432bytes of RAM. Add an index, or speci fy a smaller limit.","code":96,"code...
db.restaurants.aggregate( [ { $sort : { borough : 1, _id: 1 } } ] ) 由于_id 字段始终保证包含唯一值,因此在同一排序的多次执行中返回的排序顺序将始终相同。 按数组字段排序 当MongoDB 按数组值字段对文档进行排序时,排序键取决于排序是升序还是降序: 在升序排序中,排序键是数组中的最低值。 在降...
在MongoDB中使用使用sort()方法对数据进行排序,sort()方法可以通过参数指定排序的字段,并使用 1 和 -1 来指定排序的方式,其中 1 为升序排列,而-1是用于降序排列。 语法 sort()方法基本语法如下所示: >db.COLLECTION_NAME.find().sort({KEY:1})
db.users.aggregate([{$sort:{age:-1,posts:1}}]) This operation sorts the documents in theuserscollection, in descending order according by theagefield and then in ascending order according to the value in thepostsfield. When comparing values of differentBSON types, MongoDB uses the following...
I have seen that I can set the parameter manually as described in this SO answer with the following command: > db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes:50151432}) { "was" : 33554432, "ok" : 1 } I'm using the following versions of Mongo:...
This can not be done with a single find().sort() command, because there is no way to sort by the key (name) of a field, only by it's content. It is possible, though, with an aggregate(): > db.xx.find() { "_id" : 1, "bar" : "apple", "baz" : "pear", "foo" : ...
'Executor error during find command: OperationFailed: Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit.' in /www/web/dropship/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-mongodb/Command.php:295 Stack trace: #0...
一、背景 MongoDB是一个文档数据库,这意味着它将数据存储在类似JSON的文档中。我们认为,这是考虑数据的最自然方法,比传统的行/列模型更具表现力和功能。 二、现象 排序...