Even when mounted to a larger pro-grade Sony a7R V or Sony a1 body, it dominates the combo and makes the camera body look like a toy. Being a gold-standard G Master, the 400mm full-frame lens delivers a 6° 10′ field of view and a brilliant f/2.8 maximum aperture to define dist...
13.索尼 FE F4.5-5.6 100-400mm G Master 我在索尼 FE F4.5-5.6 100-400mm G Master 发布的第一天就购买了它,它可能比我拥有的任何其他镜头花费更多的时间在我的相机上,至少在我购买索尼 FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS 镜头。 a6500 + 100-400 GM @ 345mm 作为一款 GM 镜头,其制造质量非常出色,尽...
FE 24–105 mm F4 G OSS Lens From 24 mm to 105 mm and F4 aperture throughout the zoom, this high-performance G Lens offers consistently high image quality. Wide-range mid-telephoto zoom A wide 24–105 mm zoom range with constant F4 easily handles subjects such as portraits, snapshots, ...
索尼Xperia 1 IV是日本索尼公司于北京时间2022年5月11日发布的手机产品。索尼Xperia 1 IV采用6.5英寸康宁大猩猩victus玻璃屏 ;配有冰雾白、夜烟黑、暮霞紫三种颜色;高度为165毫米,宽度为71毫米,厚度为8.2毫米,重量为185克。索尼Xperia 1 IV搭载高通骁龙8Gen1八核处理器,拥有IP68级别防尘防水功能等一系列...
F4光圈在105mm下也能有不错的虚化效果,可以胜任一些人像题材。 我的样片: 适马24-70mm F2.8 {\color{blue}{「适马」}} 这支24-70镜头重约为830g,堆料十足。单看画质锐度来说这支头都是要超过24-70GM(一代)的。相比适马28-70、腾龙28-75 G2广角端28mm起步,24mm端能获得更广阔的视野。如果你经常有...
索尼SONY 全画幅微单相机镜头 大小三元变焦 广角远摄大变焦 G大师镜头 FE 24-50mm F2.8 G 官方标配 7099元(需用券) 京东 03-09 12:50 0 -- 索尼SONY 半画幅远摄大变焦微单相机镜头 E PZ 18-105mmF4 G 电动变焦 官方标配 全新正品行货 2998元 京东 03-09 08:50 0 -- 索尼SONY 微单相机镜头全画幅蔡...
the A7S III succeeds the A7S II as a low light masterpiece, it's ability bolstered by a lower resolution sensor and close to "dual gain" ISO (more on that below). Finally, unlike the Canon EOS R5, the A7S III does not have recording time limits and did not overheat in our underwa...
MZed Courses Wildlife Cinematography Master Class WEEKLY CineD NEWSLETTER Stay current with regular CineD updates about news, reviews, how-to’s and more. Sign me up!compulsory You can unsubscribe at any time via an unsubscribe link included in every newsletter. For further details, see our Priv...
From the G Master™ series, which blends breathtaking resolution with exquisite bokeh, to the G Lens™ series with first-class image quality, the ZV-E10 II is compatible with a wide range of E-mount lenses from Sony. The ZV-E10 II lens kit comes with the versatile E PZ 16-50mm F...