FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II Introducing FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II | Sony | Lens FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II Photo Gallery Sample images Stunning G Master bokeh Learn more about the main characteristics The most compact, lightweight1, and versatile in its class ...
Full-frame G Master standard zoom lens The ultimate choice for professional portrait, travel and event photographers seeking the highest possible optical performance. The XA element reduces aberration and delivers the ultimate resolution throughout the entire zoom range and aperture range, as well as ...
G Master concept Next-generation G Master standard zoom The FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II is an updated “holy trinity” standard zoom, packing evolved optics and AF performance into a convenient, compact, lightweight zoom design that offers maximum mobility for both stills and movies. It is an ide...
售价2199.99美元(约合14470元),已经上线SONY官网。 索尼FE 24-70 mmF2.8 GM属于索尼的G Master系列,定位高端,使用自家最高标准的工艺和光学技术打造。关于G Master系列具体的说明可以参见SONY美国官网,该系列的镜头都带有一个红色的“G”字样。这颗FE 24-70 mm F2.8GM属于“大三元”中的标变镜头,焦距24mm-70mm...
索尼FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM是G master的开山之作之一,顶级画质,哪怕是现在副厂发布了同样规格,规格持平,整体素质来说还是原厂更有保证,这枚镜头让人值得夸奖就是焦外柔顺程度,而且全焦段全开均可用,如果你追求一机一镜的原厂搭配,预算充足,这镜头就是首选。
实测Sony FE 24-70mm F2.8 G Master II !醉嬉游 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 5.8万 931 10:03 App 【顾俊】标变之王,索尼FE 28-70mm f2 GM! 5083 16 08:52 App Sony 50mm f1.2 G Master 镜头 抢先实测 742 0 14:05 App 森养24-70 f2.8试拍 1024 1 10:11 App SONY ...
Magnifique bokeh G Master Un sublime à bokeh F2.8 couvre la plage focale grâce à l'optique avancée et l'ouverture à 11 lamelles. Il bénéficie d'un contrôle précis de l'aberration sphérique lors de la conception et à la fabrication. Deux lentilles XA ultra-précises atténue...
sonyG大师 24-70 f2.8测评 在接商业活追求高画质和高灵活性焦段的时候,这颗镜头无疑是sony用户的首选。分辨率不用说,良好的解析力和锐度让人印象深刻。并且镜头在色散、暗角和畸变控制方面表现得也非常好,在高反差轻快下紫边也不严重,不愧是大师镜头。然而重量也是大师级别,安在我的A73上尤其头重脚轻(但加上手...
FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM II Next-generation G Master standard zoom (SEL2470GM2) LEARN MORE BUY NOW READ ARTICLES VIEW GALLERY NEW FE 28-70mm F2 GM Versatile Focal Range, Large Aperture, and Compact Form Factor (SEL2470F2GM) LEARN MORE ...
Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM Lens The Standard Zoom Refined A fast, standard zoom favored for its versatility, theSony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GMis a wide-angle to short telephoto lens featuring advanced G Master optics, a robust physical design, and a bright f/2.8 constant maximum aperture. A ...