索尼 FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM是G master的开山之作之一,画质自然不用多说,哪怕是现在副厂发布了同...
FE 24–105 mm F4 G OSS Lens From 24 mm to 105 mm and F4 aperture throughout the zoom, this high-performance G Lens offers consistently high image quality. Wide-range mid-telephoto zoom A wide 24–105 mm zoom range with constant F4 easily handles subjects such as portraits, snapshots, ...
索尼135mm是出色的定焦镜头,可提供动态清晰的图像。这款镜头的色彩对比非常出色,可以产生生动的图像和出色的散景。这款G Master镜头的传统人像长度为135mm,可让摄影师捕捉面部特征和细节。这款镜头提供了1:4的微距放大倍率,进一步增强了镜头即使在最小的细节上也能近距离拍摄的能力。该镜头的自动对焦功能异常快速。尽...
12.腾龙 70-180mm F2.8 Di III VC VXD G2 13.索尼 FE F4.5-5.6 100-400mm G Master 14.索尼 FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS 15.索尼FE 400mm F2.8 GM OSS 16.索尼FE 600mm F4 GM OSS 索尼E 卡口增距镜 索尼1.4 倍增距镜头 (SEL14TC) 索尼2x 增距镜头 (SEL20TC) 索尼镜头缩写 您可能会...
Sony calls this the FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS:FE: Full-frame coverage, E-mount.G: means Sony's nearly best, but not quite as physically tough as the GM "G Master" lenses — but this lens seems identical mechanically to the 24-70/2.8 GM.OSS: "Optical Steady Shot" Image Stabilization...
Filter Lenses Focal Length max aperture AboutUniverse Universe is here for the makers, the doers, the people who dream in colors. You bring your curiosity and ideas, we’ll provide the knowledge, the inspiration, and the state-of-the-art imaging tech to help you make dreams reality....
SONY 索尼 G Master镜头用遮光罩 ALC-SH167 白色 爆料人: 一只小贝壳 24-12-01发布 天猫国际官方直营此款目前活动售价569元,参与满1件打9.5折,立减64元优惠活动,下单1件,实付低至479.75元,近期好价。 购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付479.75元 年货礼盒就用「淘宝送礼」,无需填写收货地址,下单...
小巧轻便的系统让拍摄充满乐趣,仅仅因为它更小、更轻,并不意味着它会变得更差, G Master 的奢华感觉和坚固结构仍然完好无损。 滤镜直径为82mm,即使是超广角变焦,也可以安装ND或PL滤镜,镜头的顶部和左侧有两个对焦保持按钮。 摄影好物推荐 选购指南 提及当前商品开箱分享 SONY FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM II 开箱...
Sony FE 100mm STF.bigger. Sony calls this theSony FE 100mm STF G OSS. FE:Full-frame coverage, E-mount. STF:Smooth Trans Focus. GM:"G Master;" one of Sony's "Good" lenses for E-mount cameras. OSS:Optical Steady ShotImage Stabilization. ...
From the G Master™ series, which blends breathtaking resolution with exquisite bokeh, to the G Lens™ series with first-class image quality, the ZV-E10 II is compatible with a wide range of E-mount lenses from Sony. The ZV-E10 II lens kit comes with the versatile E PZ 16-50mm F...