SonarQube for IDE: IntelliJ v10.14brings support forPython code in Jupyter Notebooks. It is now possible toanalyze your Python code in Jupyter Notebooks! Plus, two important updates: Improvements to JS/TS analysis. Thenew JS analyzeruses fewer resources and is faster, especially for Windows users...
UT JaCoCo Report: .teamcity/coverage_jacoco/jacoco.exec JaCoCoSensor: JaCoCo report not found : /export/.../BuildAgent2/work/.../.teamcity/coverage_jacoco/jacoco.exec Sonar: This component does not have coverage details. java intellij-idea teamcity code-coverage jacoco Share Improve this question...
Available in VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm and Eclipse Python Rules Seamless UX how does it work? Use familiar IDE-specific keystrokes or hover over the flagged issue to bring up the rule violation and suggested quick fix. Then simply apply the fix and move on. ...
SonarQube in IntelliJ Does Not Recognize Custom Rules from Plugin Plugin Development 17February 25, 2025 SonarQube Test coverage SonarQube Server / Community Build coverage 15February 25, 2025 We want to upgrade the sonarqube server from non LTA to LTA ...
"SonarQube IDE™ is hands down the best plug-in I've come across. Seamless integration with IntelliJ, automatic linting on switch focus are some of the best features it has." User,SonarQube IDE Read customer stories Frequently asked questions ...
SLI-1480 Re introduce code coverage metric on SonarQube 6个月前 wss-unified-agent.config BUILD-3063 migrate to CirrusCI & Vault (#710) 2年前 README LGPL-3.0 SonarQube for IntelliJ Plugin SonarQube for IntelliJ is an IDE extension that supports you in writingClean Code, by detecting and ...
在对其他工具的支持方面,Sonar 不仅提供了对IDE 的支持,可以在 Eclipse和 IntelliJ IDEA 这些工具里联机查看结果;同时Sonar还对大量的持续集成工具提供了接口支持,可以很方便地在持续集成中使用Sonar,此外,Sonar的插件还可以对 Java 以外的其他编程语言提供支持例如(PHP/Python),对国际化以及报告文档化也有良好的支持...
Coverage表示代码的覆盖率,可以通过写unit tests 增加此数值。 点击issue页面,还能看到问题的级别: 三、SonarLint插件分析代码坏味道 SonarLint下载地址: SonarLint for JetBrains IDE | Code Quality & Security Extension 版本 ...
Upcoming Webinar!Code Coverage: Your secret weapon for code reliability and developer productivity - Register Now! Leaderboard F.A.Q. Sign UpLog In We're happy to have you here. If you need help, please search before you post.
PMD集成了JDeveloper, Eclipse, JEdit, JBuilder, BlueJ, CodeGuide, NetBeans/Sun Java Studio Enterprise/Creator, IntelliJ IDEA, TextPad, Maven, Ant, Gel, JCreator, 以及 Emacs。 2. FindBug from FindBug是一个使用静态方法来查找Java代码漏洞的程序。