SonarLint 插件安装也很简单,点击 IntelliJ -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories -> 输入 SonarLint search -> install 等待下载安装完毕,点击 restart 重启 IDEA即可。 设置SonarLint 全局配置。点击 IntelliJ -> Other Settings -> SonarLint General Settings -> Add 弹出框添加一个 New SonarQube Server,这里我们添...
Bug fixes, fewer FPs and improvements for many languages. 8.3 - Allow changing status of Security Hotspots. Support Security Hotspots when connected to SonarCloud. Support analysis of Go not only in GoLand but also when using the Go plugin in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. 17 new rules for JavaScript...
SonarLint: C:\Users\mapanpan\AppData\Local\Temp\plugin3010621562439850945\sonarlint-intellij\plugins\sonar-java-plugin- The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another program. 升级时报错了,提示被占用
SonarLint 插件安装也很简单,点击 IntelliJ -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories -> 输入 SonarLint search -> install 等待下载安装完毕,点击 restart 重启 IDEA即可。 设置SonarLint 全局配置。点击 IntelliJ -> Other Settings -> SonarLint General Settings -> Add 弹出框添加一个 New SonarQube Server,这里我们添...
SonarLint 是为了替代上边 Issues Report Plugins 插件,并且更方便的集成到我们日常的开发工具里面去。SonarLint For IntelliJ IDEA 就是专门为 IDEA 工具提供的插件,它可以为开发人员时刻返回新的 Bug 以及其他质量问题,并且很直观显示在工具上边。现在支持的语言有Java、 JavaScript 、PHP。
After the plugin is installed successfully, restart the IDE to take effect. Usage Sonar Intellij Plugin usesSonarScannerto perform code analysis. SonarScanner needs to connect to the SonarQube server. Therefore, you need to make some necessary settings before using Sonar Intellij Plugin, and then ...
You can get it directly from the IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Repository, and it will then detect new bugs and quality issues as you code (Java, Kotlin, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP and Python). If your project is analyzed on SonarQube or on SonarCloud, SonarLint can connect to the server to retrieve...
There was a bug in SonarLint for IntelliJ that prevented the configuration to be properly saved. It was fixed in the latest version 2.3.2: About the performance, please make sure you are using the Java analyzer 4.2, as you might...
sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin=jacoco # 指定exec二进制文件存放路径 #sonar.jacoco.reportPaths=[Your path]/jacoco.exec #本demo之前设置的exec文件是在工程根目录下的target/coverage-reports下: sonar.jacoco.reportPaths=target/coverage-reports/jacoco-unit.exec ...
以上,后续继续补充如何通过 SonarLint 整合到 IntelliJ IDEA,并同时如何整合到 Jenkins 实现自动化测试。 本文遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,原文链接: --福利福利-- 免费领取:自动化+测开+性能+简历+面试核心教程资料 ...