最新版本的SonarLint只支持SonarQube 5.6+(5.6是当前的LTS版本)。
最新版本的SonarLint只支持SonarQube 5.6+(5.6是当前的LTS版本)。
Sonarqube Enterprise Edition Version 7.9.5 Intellij 2021.1.2 ALM used: GitLab I’m currently having an issue with sonarlint configuration on Intellij. I was able to connect to my enterprise’s sonarQube server using their proxy and token. But, each time I scan for issues on my code,...
Operating system: Windows 10 SonarLint plugin version: Programming language you’re coding in: Java Is connected mode used: Connected to SonarQube (and which version): SonarQube Version 9.9.1 (build 69595) …
SonarSource Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studioand10 more
SonarQube for IDE: IntelliJ v10.14brings support forPython code in Jupyter Notebooks. It is now possible toanalyze your Python code in Jupyter Notebooks! Plus, two important updates: Improvements to JS/TS analysis. Thenew JS analyzeruses fewer resources and is faster, especially for Windows users...
SonarSource Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studioand10 more
SonarLint for IntelliJ. Contribute to SonarSource/sonarlint-intellij development by creating an account on GitHub.