Patterns of somatic mutation in human cancer genomes. Nature. 2007;446:153–8. CentralGreenman C, Stephens P, Smith R, Dalgliesh GL, Hunter C, Bignell G, et al. Patterns of somatic mutation in human cancer genomes. Nature 2007 ;446:153–8....
COSMIC;cancer;somatic;mutation;database INTRODUCTION TheCatalogueofSomaticMutationsinCancer(COSMIC)iscurrentlythemost comprehensiveglobalresourceaccessingtheworldliteratureonsomaticmutationsin humancancer.Thesystemisdesignedtopreserveandimprovetheusefulnessofpublished ...
three-dimensionalstructures.Wefurtherintegratedcancercelllinemutationprofilesanddrugpharmacologicaldata fromtheCancerCellLineEncyclopedia(CCLE)ontoproteinpocketregionsinordertoidentifyputativebiomarkersfor anticancerdrugresponses. Results:Wefoundthatgenesharboringproteinpocketsomaticmutationsweresignificantlyenrichedincancerdriver ...
et al. Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer. Nature 417, 949–954 (2002). This study discovered the BRAF V600E mutation in 66% of malignant melanomas and at lower frequency in a wide range of human cancers. The subsequent development of an inhibitor to treat patients with BRAF -...
The COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) database and website have been developed to store somatic mutation data in a single location and display the data and other information related to human cancer. To populate this resource, data has currently been extracted from reports in the...
Cancer Research Microbiology Agrigenomics Complex Disease Genomics Cellular & Molecular Biology Clinical Applications Reproductive Health Oncology Genetic & Rare Diseases All Areas Next-generation sequencing for beginners Curious about using NGS in your research? Learn the basics of next-generation sequencing ...
Mutations may also occur in somatic cells. The effect of a somatic mutation is found in the descendants of the mutant cell, making the individual a mosaic. Mosaics are individuals with a mixed cell population. In the simplest situation a normal cell popu
COSMIC: the catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer x22;COSMIC, the Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer": is designed to store and display somatic mutation information relating to human cancers, combining detailed information on publications, sample... N Bindal...
1.下载TCGA-STAD这套数据的体细胞突变的数据。☞如何从TCGA数据库下载体细胞突变数据(somatic mutation...
somatic mutations in lung cancer: a comprehensive mutation profiling from 5125 Chinese cohorts Determining the somatic mutations of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-pathway networks is the key to effective treatment for non-small cell lung can... S Li,L Li,Y Zhu,... - 《Br J Cancer》...