In the case of pedotransfer functions, the general concept is that with relatively easier to measure soil attributes, more difficult to measure ones can be inferred using empirical calibration with defined model structure or type. The relevant soil attributes here for BARS are those related to soil...
b Part of unique variance explained by pre-selected interactions between soil properties, climatic variables and vegetation cover on fungal observed richness, Shannon index and β-diversity. Percentages correspond to the unique partitioned variance of each interaction type found after a variation ...
The most common data are soil type/texture (% clay), OM, soil moisture content (MC), BD by soil layer, cropping/tillage history, soil moisture retention curve, drainage condition, plasticity limit, and size of soil structural units (clods) (ASABE Standards, 2013). The critical values of ...
Although SWR can occur in any soil type, it is commonly observed in sandy soils mainly due to the low surface area of sand particles (Orfánus et al., 2014; Scott, 2000). Soil water repellency also occurs when soil particles are coated by hydrophobic organic substances (i.e., fungal ...
Location of the sampling areas Full size image Soil solution extraction and analysis Soil solutions were obtained using the methodology developed by Klitzke et al. [32] and Qiu et al. [33]. The soil solutions were prepared using Milli-Q water, applying a solid-to-solution ratio of 1:2.5....
was used to extract the biome type at each soil profile. The MODIS land cover map64at the same resolution of NPP databases was used to identify that if the land is cultivated (i.e., land cover type of croplands and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic) at the location of each soil profile...
However, the interactions determined between decomposition time, litter type and location indicated that microbial characteristics including metabolic-responsive biomass, carbon availability index, metabolic, and respiratory quotient varied site-specifically dependent litter quality. The refractory Titicum litter ...
(2) In addition to soil parent material, land utilization type, soil type, soil pH value, soil organic matter and soil texture all affected the enrichment and activation of selenium in soil. (3) Heavy metals in corn and potatoes did not exceed the standard, but the selenium enrichment rates...
A parametric study is conducted to investigate the influence of crack geometry and soil matrix type on the anisotropic permeability tensor and REV of the cracked soil.;A method is proposed to predict the soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and permeability function for an unsaturated cracked ...
Here, we studied 16 long-term chronosequences from six continents and found that the ecosystem type is more important than soil age (centuries to millennia) in explaining the proportion of unprotected and mineral-associated carbon fractions in surface soils across global biomes. Soil carbon pools ...