an “ambient” group vs a “warm” group) of soil profiles mainly distinguished by MAT (i.e., warming). Amongst pairs, they would be different in landform, soil type, MAP and precipitation seasonality, which enables us to address their effects on the response of SOC to warming. We are ...
Climatic conditions and land-cover type are important aspects that affect soil microbial carbon stock dynamics. As we expected and has been found for other soil organisms (e.g., refs.40,41,42), climatic changes tended to have a stronger effect on microbial carbon stocks than those related to...
To address potential feedbacks between climate change and terrestrial C turnover, we quantified forest soil C response to litter type and temperature change as a function of soil parent material. We collected soils from three conifer forests dominated by ponderosa pine (PP; Pinus ponderosa Laws.);...
2008). This behavior was also inferred by tracking changes in volumetric soil water content as shown in three Portuguesecase studiesreported inLopes (2016); they showed that vineyard cover cropping can help to manipulate soil water availability in Mediterranean-type climates and to enhance the exploi...
Potato transgenic plants generated by the silencing of CAP-BINDING PROTEIN 80 gene using artificial microRNA presented higher water deficit tolerance compared with the wild type. These plants presented an increased stomata and trichome densities as well as stomatal closure, when exposed to increased ...
The results also showed that the theoretical estimate of pressures underestimated the calculated values at larger depths and that the horizontal extent of the spread of pressure around the shaft was significantly influenced by the type of soil as well as width of surcharge. The outcomes of this ...
(LRT12= 1.739 p = 0.187 and LRT7= 12.513 p = 0.052, respectively). Sensitivity analyses for critical appraisal category and variability type demonstrated no evidence of bias, although there was evidence of publication bias: more precise studies appear to show negative effect sizes, whilst less ...
compaction. However, it is important to address soil properties and management data when soil PR is presented to describe and better understand the effect of compaction. The most common data are soil type/texture (% clay), OM, soil moisture content (MC), BD by soil layer, cropping/tillage ...
To address this, we measured soil microbial community CUE using the substrate-independent 18O-H2O method54,55. Across all years of the study, warming increased microbial CUE by 12%, microbial growth by 43% and carbon uptake by 24% when compared with the ambient control under conservation ...
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address. ...