www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Soil Fertility Map for Food Legumes Production Areas in China received: 12 October 2015 accepted: 26 April 2016 Published: 23 May 2016 Ling Li1,*, Tao Yang2,*, Robert Redden3, Weifeng He1 & Xuxiao Zong2 Given the limited resources of ...
Catalog the different types of soils you have in your farm lands with the Soil Type app. The Soil Type app guides you through the "Ribbon Test" - a way to classify your top soil by feeling the texture of the soil when mixed with water. The Soil Type app provides an easy to use ste...
We set out in this work to create a suite of 3D-like digital soil attribute maps for a research farming enterprise situated in the South Eastern Agricultural Zone of NSW, Australia. These digital maps come about because of a reconnaissance soil survey to map out the farm's soil baseline con...
The responses of SOC to warming are also regulated by precipitation including its seasonal pattern, but are less influenced by soil type and landform (Supplementary Figs.3and4and Supplementary Tables1and2). Here we note that the soil type assessed is based on the world map of soil orders of ...
To aggregate the attributes ofdifferent compositions ofa map--ping unit, we used three mapping approaches: the area--weighting method, the dominant soil type method,and the dominant binned soil attribute method. The data set can also be aggregated to a lower resolution. Inthis paper, we only ...
Finally, applying a self-organizing map (SOM) method on the soil variables grid, the third soil map was obtained (SOMM). The SOM method is described in detail in Section 2.3. In the runoff's case estimation, the SCS method [27] is widely used. In this case, information on the hydrolo...
In these interactions the fungal partner provides the plant with improved access to water and soil nutrients due to more or less complex hyphal structures, which emanate from the root surface and extend far into the soil. The plant, in return, supplies carbohydrates for fungal growth and ...
in latitude 58-59 N, mountain, heath & bog land cover, and histosols, which we speculate may result from the high SOC concentrations predicted in the Hebrides and much lower concentrations predicted elsewhere at this latitude band, land cover type and soil group (see LUCAS map in Fig.1b)...
in the global ecosystem. In addition, the two most important phenomena that degrade soils, erosion and pollution, are discussed. For a cartographic guide to the distribution of the world’s major soils, featuring links to short descriptive entries on each soil type, see theinteractiveworld map....
In India, Naqvi et al. (2012) used values based on land use type where dense vegetation, sparse vegetation, built-up, water bodies, scrub land, agricultural cropland, fallow land, bare soil/barren land were assigned the values 1, 0.8, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.9 and1 respectively. In...