smarmy['smɑ:mi] [网页划词已开启] 英汉解释 adj. 爱说奉承话的;虚情假意的 同义词 a.buttery,fulsome,oily,oleaginous 参考例句 1. The waiters' manners are always sosmarmy. 那些服务员总是点头哈腰的。 2. We are here to deliver an invitation, ' said one of riders, with asmarmysmile. ...
Smarmy describessomeone who is overly flattering and fake. A smarmy student might tell a teacher, "You're looking even more lovely than usual today," with a big smile. Smarmy describes someone who goes way over the top trying to be suave and charming — fooling no one. What does wheedle ...
Wipe that smarmy smile off your face and tell me what's going on here! إمسحْ تلك الإبتسامةِ الزائفة مِنْ وجهِكِ وأخبرُني ماذا يجري هنا!
3) an obsequious smile 谄媚的微笑4) obsequious behavior 谄媚的行为 例句>> 5) oleaginous flattery 谄媚的恭维6) a greasy manner 谄媚的态度 例句>> 补充资料:谄媚 巴结讨好:谄媚权要。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
"Smarmy" 的用法和例句 Q: 請提供關於 smarmy 的例句給我。 A: I never use that word, but when I hear it, I always laugh. I’ve only heard people use this word in the last 20 years or so.It refers to people who are fake. They pretend to be nice to you and they smile, but...
The smile vanished from the woman's face as she fixed Bob Monkhouse with a steely glare. For...Weathers, Helen
intransitive verb. :to smile in a silly, affected, or ingratiating manner Through force of will, she escaped the narrowness of Victorian daughterhood, the polite world of needlework and simpering over teacups that had always bored her.— ...