Smarmy is a valid Scrabble word. Smarmy is a word starting with s ending with y. Check our list ofwords starting with s ending with y. Dictionary definition of the word smarmy The meaning of smarmy smarmy 1 definition of the word smarmy. ...
1 definition of the word smarmily. Adverb In an unctuous manner Sponsored Links What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in smarmily? 6 Letter Words lyrism11 mislay11 mylars11 riyals9 smarmy13 5 Letter Words amirs7 amyls10 arils5 aryls8 imams9 lairs5 laris5 liars5 limas7 lira...
smarmy gushy hagiographical hagiographic servile bootlicking cloying nauseating toadying respectful plauditory celebrating gracious slavish polite courtly civil honoringUS honouringUK worshipful reverential blandishing well-wishing fair-spoken highly favorable ...
1 :revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestnessa tone of smarmy self-satisfaction — New Yorker. 2 : of low sleazy taste or quality smarmy eroticism. What does smarmy mean in British English? If you describe someone as smarmy,you dislike thembecause they are unpleasant...
Who is a smarmy person? Smarmy describessomeone who is overly flattering and fake. A smarmy student might tell a teacher, "You're looking even more lovely than usual today," with a big smile. Smarmy describes someone who goes way over the top trying to be suave and charming — fooling ...
then Joe Biden would have been putting his own son in legal jeopardy. Please, get a clue and take the time to understand the basic facts surrounding the issue. And there is absolutely no evidence that Hunter Biden did anything illegal. What he did was smarmy, but not even close to the ...
But I suspect it was just the opposite: he felt that fewer smarmy media people should be kissing his ass while he nonetheless obsessively courted that attention. In Starship: The Magazine about Science Fiction, Robert Anton Wilson describes this personality type: Most of the characteristics which ...
And that is exactly the opposite of what the smarmy IPCC claims. They claim another +1 degree of global warming in the future would be a climate emergency, not another climate optimum. That IPCC prediction is complete nonsense — they contradict themselves — and that is the only fact you ...
my cathartic blog posts became so infrequent as to stop all together. Life as a special needs mom, life as a chronically ill mom, life as a disabled ex-professional-turned-homemaker… I couldn’t bring myself to write much more than quick, smarmy FaceBook posts about it – brushing off...
Men and women get real about what it means to be a sapiosexual. Everything you need to know about the buzzy new word you keep seeing on dating profiles.