The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM; previously the American Sleep Disorders Association [ASDA]) classifies poor sleep hygiene-induced insomnia as one of the 13 extrinsic sleep disorders in the 1997 revised edition of the International Classific
December 2024View PDF Research articleAbstract only Association of inadequate sleep with mortality among persons who inject drugs Jing Sun, ... Gregory D. KirkDecember 2024 Research articleAbstract only Bidirectional relationships between chronotype and sleep hygiene in children with and without parental ...
Inadequate sleep hygiene is an insomnia associated with daily living activities that are inconsistent with the maintenance of sleep and daytime alertness. Not everyone who practices poor sleep hygiene develops insomnia. In patient’s suffering from chron
To assess whether the SAFER program had an effect on the sleep hygiene of interns, we performed precall-postcall within-subject analyses on our outcomes of interest. Because the SAFER program encourages preservation of sleep before and after a period of acute sleep deprivation, the specific outcom...
(; Liegang Liu, MD, PhD, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Hubei Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 13 Hangkong Rd, Wuhan 430030, China (lgliu@mails....
Study effectiveness Sleep hygiene training on Staff working on the events work turns or rotating work turns Parvadeh Tabas coal companies in 2013Getting disturbed sleep, of the most work turns problems that can be physical and psychological consequences for the health of more, they have sought. ...
Sleep hygiene consists of sleep advice and practical information about how to achieve a good sleep environment, for example keeping the bedroom dark, removing electronics. This is the first step to improving sleep but has limited effectiveness as a standalone treatment [49]. Best practice is to ...
Scores range from 1 to 6, where lower scores indicate better sleep hygiene practices. 2.3.3. Daytime functioning Emotional and behavioural functioning: The parent-report child behaviour checklist (CBCL) for children aged 6 to 18 was used to measure emotional and behavioural symptoms [58]. The ...
Globally, sleep disorders are an important global public health problem. Poor sleep hygiene is at the core of chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders. Sleep hygiene practices are effective, practical, and affordable, and have no side effects other tha
the art CBT-I or abbreviated forms of this treatment [172,173]. Very recently, a large- scale study with digital cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia found sustained effects of improved psychological well-being and sleep-related quality of life resulting from an 8-week sleep-hygiene ...